Mole with white spots

Medical expert article

A mole, in most cases, is a benign neoplasm.

But if over time a person notices that a white dot has appeared on a mole, he should consult a dermatologist.

ICD-10 code

Causes of a white dot on a mole

There are several reasons that can cause a white dot to appear on a mole:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Exposure to ultraviolet rays. This applies to both natural sources of ultraviolet radiation (sunbathing) and artificial ones: solarium, bactericidal lamps. Under their influence, the synthesis of melanin, which is responsible for the formation of skin pigment, including age spots, is activated.
  3. Radiation.
  4. X-ray dose.
  5. Hormonal changes in the body: puberty, pregnancy, menopause or endocrinological diseases.
  6. Insect bite.
  7. Acne or blackheads.

[1], [2], [3]


To date, the pathogenesis of the appearance of a white dot on a mole has not been fully studied.

[4], [5], [6], [7]

Symptoms of a white dot on a mole

Symptoms that should alert you and force you to seek advice from a specialist:

  1. There is a change in the shape of the mole, the contours lose clarity and become blurred.
  2. The mole loses its symmetry.
  3. A white dot appeared on the surface.
  4. Pain may occur.
  5. It is possible to increase the size of the formation.
  6. The mole may itch and bleed.
  7. The appearance of a new nevus with uneven coloring.

First signs

If a person is attentive to his health, then the first signs that should alert him are a change in the size and characteristics of a mole, the appearance of new moles, which in their characteristics and color scheme are not similar to existing ones.

[8], [9]

White spots on a mole

If human skin is covered with moles, the number of which can change throughout life, both up and down, and they do not undergo changes, then there is no need to worry. But any change in shade, the appearance of white spots on a mole is a sign that should alert you and prompt you to take action!

Such a metamorphosis can be a banal pimple, or it can “speak” of the degeneration of a benign formation into a malignant tumor. For example, melanoma. You shouldn't panic right away. Not all changes lead to cancer. But it is necessary to establish this fact and only an experienced and qualified specialist can do this.


World medicine has adopted a register of diseases - the “International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision” (ICD code 10). The appearance of a white dot on a mole by doctors can be attributed to melanoform nevi, marked with code D22.

The following is a gradation depending on the location of detection of the pathology:

  1. D22.0 – on the lips.
  2. D22.1 – on the eyelids.
  3. D22.2 – auricle, auditory canal and adjacent tissues.
  4. D22.3 – on unspecified areas of the face.
  5. D22.4 – neck and hairy area of ​​the scalp.
  6. D22.5 – torso.
  7. D22.6 – shoulders and upper limbs.
  8. D22.7 – lower limbs and hip area.
  9. D22.9 – melanoform nevus, unspecified.

[10], [11]

Complications and consequences

If a person notices a change that affects the nevus. Or he found a recently appeared nevus with a visible white dot on the mole; the consequence of such development may be the process of malignancy.

But if such a mole has been observed for several years, there are other similar pigmented formations, or a person knows that the reason for the appearance of a white dot on a mole is an insect bite, then most likely there is no need to worry.

[12], [13]


If you ignore the symptoms that appear, there is a high probability of developing a complication - the degeneration of a benign neoplasm, such as a nevus, into a malignant tumor - melanoma. Melanoma is a cancerous neoplasm that develops as a result of malignancy of melanocyte cells, which in the human body are responsible for the synthesis of the melanin pigment.


Diagnosis of a white dot on a mole

Diagnosis of a white dot on a mole begins with a physical examination. The doctor carefully examines the tumor. An experienced doctor is already able to assess the nature of the changes at this stage of diagnosis. Next, the specialist examines other moles present on the patient’s body. After this, he is able to classify the nevus and, with a high degree of probability, assess the level of its potential danger in terms of malignancy.

Perhaps the doctor will calm the patient’s concerns and no further diagnosis will be required. The information obtained will make it possible in the future not to miss the appearance of a truly dangerous neoplasm.

If there is a suspicion of a malignant change, the specialist prescribes laboratory and instrumental tests to the patient. The doctor must determine the patient’s heredity. Did anyone in his family have melanoma?

[15], [16]


A dermatologist or dermatologist-oncologist may prescribe the following tests:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Clinical urine analysis.
  3. A blood test to detect cancer-specific markers lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and S-100 protein.
  4. Immunogram.

[17], [18], [19]

Instrumental diagnostics

If there is a suspicion of a malignant nature of the changes occurring in the patient’s mole, a specialist will prescribe instrumental diagnostics. This may be one of the following methods or a set of diagnostic measures:

  1. Molecular diagnostics. This technique makes it possible to recognize from a variety of healthy cells the one that has undergone malignancy. The structures of lymph nodes are studied using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction.
  2. Dermatoscopy - makes it possible to use optics to detail the microstructure of the nevus and determine its nature.
  3. After excision, if the mole is large enough and material for research is obtained, the tissue must undergo histology and/or cytology. This examination method is called a biopsy. It allows you to answer the question about the nature of the mole: is it a benign or malignant neoplasm.

Differential diagnosis

The attending physician differentiates a disease, the symptom of which is the appearance of a white dot on a mole, from other pathologies with similar symptoms.

[20], [21], [22]

Who to contact?

Treatment of a white dot on a mole

If the doctor has even the slightest suspicion that the neoplasm is of poor quality or that the process of degeneration has begun, the only treatment option is to remove the mole with a white dot. But many people are interested in why one or another method of nevus excision is chosen to achieve results?

Quite often, if the mole is large, doctors resort to classical excision of the formation using a surgical scalpel. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia (mostly lidocaine) and does not cause any discomfort to the patient.

After the anesthesia begins to take effect, the surgeon uses a scalpel to make an incision around the perimeter of the mole. The mole itself with the white dot and a small area of ​​tissue around it are removed. The wound is covered with sutures and a sterile bandage.

As a result of the operation, the patient gets rid of the problem, and the specialist receives a tissue sample for examination. Such tissues are sent for histology, which makes a conclusion about the nature of the cells being studied. If changes are detected that affect the cells of the test sample, the patient may be referred for a broader examination to a specialized oncology clinic.

Malignization of a mole occurs in limited cases. Therefore, if there are no prerequisites to “suspect” the neoplasm cells of malignancy, and the nevus is small in size, the dermatologist may resort to another method of removing a mole with a white dot.

There are several such methods today:

  1. Cauterization with laser.
  2. Cryocuterization (freezing) – removal of a tumor with liquid nitrogen.
  3. Electrocoagulation is burning using electric current discharges.
  4. Radio wave surgery.

People who want to get rid of a nevus should be warned that this procedure should under no circumstances be carried out at home or in a beauty salon. Such surgical treatment at a high professional level can only be carried out in a specialized medical institution.

If there is a possibility of malignancy, removal of a mole with a white dot is mandatory and can only be done surgically! The use of laser therapy, cryo- and electrical cauterization in this case is unacceptable.


On the shelves of modern pharmacies you can find medications (as noted in their instructions) that make it easy to remove nevi at home. Doctors are sounding the alarm and warning that any self-medication is unacceptable.

If, after surgical removal of a mole, the patient feels pain in the area of ​​the operation, the attending physician will prescribe a pain reliever. This could be cefekon D, ifimol, febricet, acetaminophen, Tylenol, perfalgan and a number of others.

Paracetamol is prescribed to patients over 12 years of age. It is recommended to take the drug an hour or two after meals. Dose – 0.5 – 1 g with plenty of water. If necessary, the painkiller can be taken at intervals of 4 to 6 hours.

During the day you should not exceed a dosage of 4 g.

If the patient has a history of impaired renal and/or liver function, such as Gilbert's syndrome, the prescribed dosage of the drug should be reduced, and the interval between doses, on the contrary, increased.

Depending on the age and weight of the child, the recommended dose also changes:

  1. The patient is from three to six years old, weight 15 - 22 kg - daily dose 1 g.
  2. From six to nine years old, weight 22 - 30 kg - recommended daily amount is 1.5 g.
  3. From 9 to 12 years, weight up to 40 kg - daily dosage 2 g.

The interval between doses is at least four hours.

A contraindication to the use of paracetamol is the patient’s individual intolerance to paracetamol or another substance included in the drug, a severe form of kidney and/or liver dysfunction, as well as the child’s age under three years.

Traditional treatment

If the cause of a white spot on a mole is a pimple (acne), such a clinic is not dangerous. It should not be squeezed out. A few days are enough and the situation will resolve itself, the channel will clear. In such a situation, alternative treatment can help eliminate symptoms such as itching.

If a mole is suspected of malignancy, no alternative treatment is applicable.


Herbal treatment

You can offer several recipes that will reduce the intensity of itching in the area of ​​a pimple localized in a mole; direct herbal treatment of a white spot on a mole is not carried out.

  1. Lotions from the infusion of the string. You can prepare it by pouring half a liter of boiling water over two tablespoons of the plant. 40 minutes is enough for the solution to infuse and be suitable for use. Use a swab dipped in the medicine to gently wipe the mole with a white dot. Perfectly relieves itching.
  2. A tincture prepared from the medicinal plant oregano is also effective. The liquid is prepared by infusing a tablespoon of the plant in a liter of boiling water. After infusion, strain the composition and use it to treat the skin.
  3. Burdock root can also alleviate the condition. Add a tablespoon of crushed raw materials to half a liter of boiling water. Boil for half an hour over low heat. It is advisable to apply the lotion to the sore spot overnight.


To prevent the development of melanoma, doctors provide a number of recommendations, the implementation of which will protect the body from the degeneration of a nevus into a malignant neoplasm or will make it possible to recognize the pathology at an early stage of its onset. Prevention of the occurrence of a white dot on a mole includes several points:

  1. Do not overuse tanning or prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  1. Eliminate or minimize visits to the solarium. Especially if a person has a hereditary predisposition to this disease.
  2. Conduct a regular examination of your body to check for changes in the shade or shape of existing moles, as well as record the appearance of new ones. If necessary, seek advice from a qualified doctor - dermatologist or dermatologist - oncologist as soon as possible.
  3. If the human body is covered with numerous nevi, you can take baths using a soft washcloth.
  4. Make sure that the mole is not injured.
  5. It would be a good idea to undergo regular preventative examinations with a dermatologist.

[24], [25]

Hello, I have had a mole on my back for a long time. Never bothered me.
2 months ago I decided to go and check. The doctor said that the nevus was absolutely normal (he did a dermatoscopy).

Just yesterday I noticed that there was red around the mole and a white dot inside. If you look at it it looks like an abscess. I ran to a dermatologist, he looked, did a digital dermatoscopy (I’m attaching a photo) and said that the mole was normal and did not need to be removed. I assumed that there was an abscess there - I tried to squeeze it out, but it didn’t work. He said that it was better not to touch it and said that he had never seen anything like this in practice, but it was definitely nothing bad and still didn’t look like a pimple.

I have a question for you, perhaps you can determine what it looks like from a photo of the mole and dermatoscopy. And is it necessary to remove such a mole? It doesn’t bother me at all, it’s been 6 years since I saw her.

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21 answers


Tell me, why did a pigment-free area form on the mole? Damage or some physiological process?

he wasn't there a few months ago.


Sorry for bothering you with questions.

So, according to dermatoscopy, this is a 100% benign nevus?
I am a terrible cancerophobe and I am very worried. Thoughts creep in like what if there are no signs of something bad in the photo, but it turns out later that it’s a bad mole.

Thank you very much for your answers!


Sorry to bother you again.

I've read all sorts of different things on the Internet and I feel bad.

The white dot doesn't go anywhere, and the spot around the mole doesn't either. I read about the nodular form of melanoma, which is usually very similar to moles and is not always distinguishable by dermoscopy. Are you sure it's not her?


I was at his reception in person.

He looked (without a dermatoscope!) and said, I don’t see anything wrong, do whatever you want with her.

Do oncologists look at moles without a dermatoscope? Sorry, I just don't know and I was a little confused by this. After all, you can miss anything by eye.


The fact is that the city is very small. I barely made it to the oncologist through an acquaintance.

That is, even an oncologist should do dermatoscopy properly?

Sorry to bother you, here is another photo of a mole where all the redness is visible. Is this photo also ok?

If you say yes, I will try very hard to calm down.

Thank you so much for your patience!


Hello Natalya Gennadievna!

Again to you for advice, sorry.

I spent time at sea, swam in a sports top so that the sun wouldn’t hit my mole. She arrived, asked her parents to take a photo of her, and again panicked a little. It didn’t seem to increase in size, more black was added on top, the white dot that had been worrying me for so long had almost completely disappeared.

I am attaching a photo. Please see if the changes are dangerous?


Natalya Gennadievna, good afternoon!

The thoughts do not give me peace, I decided to delete it. I will ask you to cut it out with a scalpel.

Tell me, is local anesthesia dangerous? They write on the Internet that if it ends up being bad, and the doctor injects local anesthesia, it can spread bad cells throughout the body. Is this really true?


I'm terribly sorry for bothering you.

They said that they were planning to do an excisional biopsy (I hope I wrote it correctly). Is this partial or complete mole removal?


They completely removed my mole. The histological conclusion is a complex papillary pigmented nevus. The resection edges are intact. Difficulty category - 5.

Could you please explain what a papillary nevus is? There is no information at all on the Internet.
Is papillary the same as papillomatous?

And about the resection margins. Does this mean clean?



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How dangerous is white dot on a mole? A white spot on a mole does not cause problems if it is stable and their number does not change for a long period. For a correct diagnosis, it is better to contact a doctor, since usually such phenomena occur spontaneously, and it is quite difficult to independently identify the cause.

Alas, moles are not always beauty. It happens that they are a signal of the onset of the disease. In medicine, moles are called nevi; most often they form during fetal development.

Why do white dots appear on moles?

The appearance of a white spot on a nevus is always a cause for concern. But it may not always be the cause of a serious illness. The manifestation of pathology, changes in the body, including hereditary ones - all this can be the cause of the whitening of nevi.


Reasons for such lightening:

  1. Congenital characteristics of the body patient, heredity. This also applies to the disease vitiligo;
  2. Consequence of exposure to UV radiation, since the body begins to synthesize melanin in the structure of the dermis;
  3. Radiation, disrupts the natural pigment of the skin;
  4. X-ray exposure, is very similar to radioactive, but its effects are minor and pass quickly;
  5. Impact of hormonal changes or disorders in the body caused by pregnancy, menopause or adolescence;
  6. Allergies. Patients may experience reactions to various types of allergens;
  7. Acne. Pimples on a nevus may appear due to acne. It is strictly forbidden to press on such formations on such moles. When acne disappears, the white dots on them disappear forever.

Symptoms of the appearance of white dots on a nevus

You cannot diagnose yourself, but in the initial stages, when a white dot appears on a mole, it is quite possible to understand whether this manifestation is malignant:

  1. The mole becomes asymmetrical and loses its clear contour;
  2. There is no obvious reason for this manifestation;
  3. When pressure is applied, pain appears and soon becomes permanent;
  4. The mole gets bigger;
  5. Periodic bleeding from the neoplasm, itching;
  6. The appearance of new nevi with similar whitening.

These symptoms appear when the tumors are malignant. You should contact the oncology clinic.

Treatment methods for white areas on nevus

When changes to moles in the form of a white spot, do not have the nature of a pathological manifestation, then there is no need to undergo intensive treatment. Therapy is usually sufficient. It is recommended to take it in combination with vitamins and general cosmetic procedures to improve the condition of the skin.


When changes in such formations are malignant, then timely contact with an oncologist will help prevent more serious consequences. First, the doctor will determine the nature of the nevus. The status is determined using a puncture. Samples are taken from the neoplasm. If the test result is positive for oncology, the doctor prescribes special general therapy. The next step is external therapeutic actions:

  1. Surgical excision;
  2. Cryo removal;
  3. Getting rid of a nevus with a white dot using a laser;
  4. Radio wave removal.

If a mole is malignant, it is strictly forbidden to remove it, as this can lead to numerous oncological complications. Further relapse of the disease cannot be ruled out.

What does a white spot around a mole warn about?

When a white halo appears around the formation, the reason is a possible malignant degeneration. This is accompanied by itching and changes in the shape and color of the nevus.

Basically, a white dot on a mole appears during the period of hormonal changes, because it is then that the body is most weakened. It indicates possible problems associated with oncology.

If such a manifestation occurs after sunbathing, this is also a reason to consult a doctor, since most likely such a transformation indicates the appearance of melanoma. In this case, the provocateurs are the sun's rays. Consultation with a dermatologist is required to prevent serious consequences.

White halos may indicate problems in the functioning of pigment cells. Then we are talking about the disease Vitiligo. Although it often does not cause physical discomfort, psychological problems are not excluded.


Moles with a white spot around them no problem if:

  1. A nevus can have an irregularly shaped halo, be located next to each other and merge with each other. Such moles are typical for teenagers and do not pose any threat;
  2. The formation looks like a separate spot, with white pigment around it. The size of the halo can reach one centimeter. It may be light brown or spotted. These are also harmless manifestations.

By itself white spot on a mole - absolutely safe. But if pathological processes are present, you should consult a doctor immediately:

  1. Color change of nevus;
  2. Purulent discharge from it;
  3. The surface peels, cracks, swells and becomes inflamed;
  4. The edges are deformed.

All these changes require immediate examination.

If mole with white halo is disturbing from an aesthetic point of view, a dermatologist will help you get rid of it. He will first reveal the status of the mole, whether it is benign or malignant. Removal methods will be similar to mole removal. The doctor will help you make the choice; in any case, after the operation, you should not neglect the observation of a specialist.

When moles become a source of problems

A mole may suddenly begin to manifest itself as a problem:

  1. The greatest danger is posed by congenital large nevi (more than 1 centimeter), especially those that are inherited;
  2. Moles that appear suddenly, dark spots that appear after fifty;
  3. When a flat spot becomes slightly raised, it may soften and break off in small sections. The skin around it turns red and swells.

To prevent moles from causing health problems, you need to follow some tips:

  1. Try to be in the sun for a short time and at certain morning and evening hours, while solar radiation is not so aggressive. From 11:00 to 15:00 it is better not to appear in the sun at all, especially if you have sensitive skin;
  2. If the area of ​​skin has already turned white around the formation, you can cover it with light-colored clothing made from natural fabrics;
  3. Avoid mechanical injuries to moles.

With the advent of such education, we have to be more careful and attentive to our health.

Are black spots on a mole a cause for concern?

Black spots on moles are not that common, but they need to be kept under control. This is how papillomavirus can manifest itself. It may not bother a person, but if there is a desire and the character is benign, it can also be removed.


Such a mole may not always be melanoma. Blackheads can be the result of injury (nails, comb, etc.). If a mole is scratched, it is not necessary to go straight to an oncologist and observe for a while; in general, they quickly and without consequences take on their previous appearance.

Black and white dots on a nevus, even if they do not bother their carrier, can turn out to be much more serious than they initially seem. To avoid possible consequences and surgical interventions, it is better to consult a doctor without delay.

ICD code – 10

The International Classification of Diseases is usually called by the abbreviation ICD. The modern classification is already its 10th revision. Doctors all over the world use it constantly to:

  1. Provide a medical document to the patient when it is necessary to conceal the diagnosis;
  2. Fill out medical certificates, make extracts, issue patient records at the hospital;
  3. Prepare statistical documents.

The international classification allows not only the exchange of information, but also the preservation of medical confidentiality.

Nevi, like other diseases, have their own ICD code. It depends on the type of education:

  1. D22 – melanoform;
  2. Q82.5 – congenital non-tumor;
  3. 178.1 – non-tumor.

A well-known statistical fact: an adult has at least 20 moles on his body. Almost 100% of Europeans have moles.

In young children they are almost invisible; as they grow, nevi begin to appear on different parts of the body, including mucous membranes. Pregnancy can also cause them to appear.