Роды (Birth, Childbirth, Delivery, Labour)

Childbirth is the process of giving birth to a child. This is a difficult and important stage for mother and child, which requires careful attention and professional help.

Childbirth begins in a woman approximately 9 months after fertilization. However, if labor does not start spontaneously, artificial measures such as induction may be necessary.

During the first stage of labor, the uterus begins to contract and the muscles of the cervix relax. The cervix begins to dilate and part of the fetal membrane (amnion) is pushed out through the cervical canal. The amnion ruptures and amniotic fluid flows out.

The second stage of labor begins when the baby's head appears in the lumen of the cervix. This leads to increased contractions of the uterus. The baby passes through the vagina, accompanied by strong contractions of the mother's abdomen and her conscious efforts.

Once the top of the baby's head appears at the external opening of the vagina, his body passes through easily. After this, the doctor can help the child come out using special tools.

During the birth process, it is important to monitor the condition of the mother and child. Doctors must be prepared for any possible complications and provide the best care for mother and baby.

Childbirth is the process of the exit of a child and his environment (fetus and placenta) through the uterus, associated with intense activity of the muscular system, organs and systems of the woman’s body. Like any other major procedure, childbirth is a physiological process and can occur naturally or through surgery.

Childbirth is a complex and sometimes dangerous physiological process associated with the birth of a new person. The baby goes through a difficult birth, which includes a number of stages. It is important to know exactly what stages the child and his mother go through in order to avoid possible complications in the future.

Labor usually begins 9 months after conception (40 weeks of pregnancy). This occurs due to the fact that the uterus gradually contracts and prepares for the birth of the child. A woman experiences regular cramping pain in the lower abdomen.

Before the onset of labor, a woman may experience many disturbing emotions: fear, anxiety, doubt, uncertainty. But it should be remembered that these emotions are an integral part of the process and it is necessary to find a way to overcome them. Here are some tips to help cope with anxiety before childbirth:

1. Search for support and knowledge among loved ones and relatives, as well as among obstetricians (health workers who attend childbirth).

2. Meditation before the birth process and the birth process itself, as meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety.

3. Preparation and awareness that everything a woman will have to face during childbirth are temporary problems that will be overcome successfully.

4. Regular