Childbirth: A Professional's Opinion

Valery Ivanovich, now more and more women prefer to give birth by caesarean section. Can a woman's desire be an indication for this operation? No, cesarean section, like any surgical intervention, has strict indications, which include a number of maternal diseases, as well as some conditions of the fetus. A woman's desire alone is not enough for a caesarean section. And I think that this is correct, the decision should remain with the obstetrician, because as a professional he has a much better idea of ​​what is preferable and safer in each specific case: vaginal birth or cesarean section.

Caesarean section carries certain risks, such as infertility, reproductive system disorders and complications during the healing of post-operative sutures. It is also an expensive operation compared to natural childbirth. A woman who had a caesarean section during her first birth may well give birth to her second child naturally. The main thing is the high professionalism of the doctor.

There is no evidence that children born by Caesarean section are less talented or resilient. Their abilities are determined by genetics, not by the way they were born.

The position of a woman during childbirth depends on the practice adopted in a particular country. For example, in Russia it is customary to give birth lying on your back, and in England - squatting. There is no single correct position, the main thing is convenience for a particular woman in labor.

Childbirth in water can relieve pain in the first period, but if you begin to push, it is recommended to go to the maternity ward. Giving birth directly into water carries risks.

Anesthesia during childbirth should be selected individually. One effective method is epidural anesthesia, in which an anesthetic drug is injected into the spinal canal. This method allows even women with severe illnesses to give birth safely. As a rule, there are no complications.

During labor, it is important to listen to your midwife's instructions and not panic. Nature knows what to do, the main thing is to trust the specialists and let the process take place naturally.