Rossolimo Neuritis

Rossolimo Neuropathy is a disease that develops due to damage to the peripheral nerves. It was described in 1905 by Russian neurologist Georgy Ivanovich Rossoliom. Rhosilioma neuritis is one of the most common neurological diseases that can lead to serious complications and even death.

G.I. Rossolimi was one of the first scientists in Russia who began studying neuropathies. He is also the author of many books and articles on diseases of the nervous system.

Symptoms of Rossolioma neuropathy may include numbness, tingling, weakness, pain in the extremities, and loss of coordination. In severe cases, it can lead to muscle paralysis and loss of control over the movements of the arms and legs.

Treatment of rossoliomato neuritis includes the use of medications, physical therapy, and in severe cases, surgery. You should also eat right and avoid bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, which can worsen your health.

Rossolimo neuritis

Rossolimo Vladimir Petrovich - Soviet neurologist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He introduced the term “neuritis” into domestic medical practice, proposed his own classification of neuritis and substantiated the causes and role of syphilis and syringomyelia as causes of optic neuritis in the earliest stage of its development, and gave justification for the term “venous stagnation”.

In 1887, after graduating from the Faculty of Medicine of the Imperial Moscow University, he took up the position of resident at the eye hospital, where he worked until 1918. Over the course of several years of working as the chief physician of the city Alexandrovskaya Hospital, he paid special attention to the issues of combating massive epidemics of cholera and measles. He was in charge of the city sanitary bureau and thanks to his efforts, a systematic fight against typhus was carried out; A strict access control regime has been introduced in children's institutions in Moscow. In 1898 he organized the first eye bath in Moscow at the Alexander Hospital. In the same year, together with Professor I.N. Abeldyaev, he founded and headed the Moscow Ophthalmological Circle, which became a well-known public school for doctors and their assistants in ophthalmology. Since 1846, Vladimir Petrovich repeatedly published scientific review articles and polemical notes, and in 1853 he was appointed secretary of the editorial board of the Medical Review. Through this publication, he conducted materials on the most important problems of ophthalmology in Russia, achieved consideration of a number of scientific problems during the meeting of the “Society of Russian Doctors” and spoke at it in a heated debate against the enthusiasm for the new popular concept of treating lesions of the optic nerve of the brain - the method of J. Thalmann. From the first days of the existence of the meeting of the “Public Association of Children’s Doctors”, he carried out a lot of organizational and propaganda work aimed at strengthening the medical-pedagogical connection - the prototype of school health care; traveled with reports to many places in Russia, spoke on the topic “On urgent measures to combat child mortality”; was the editor of the journal “Pediatrics”; did a lot for the organization