Mouth Gap

The oral fissure is the part of the mouth that connects the tongue to the cheek and teeth. It is crescent-shaped and is located inside the mouth, between the gum and palate. This area of ​​the mouth is very important as it allows food to enter the stomach and the production of saliva.

The oral cavity is also rich in blood vessels and

People cannot imagine life without food. It is very important to provide the body with food in a timely and correct manner, because food and water are the most important element of our life, with the help of them our body receives everything it needs to exist. It is necessary to consume nutrients correctly and in a timely manner; for this you need to drink water in the morning and have a full breakfast. But the oral cavity is designed specifically for processing food, that is, thanks to food we live and realize ourselves in life. What is the oral fissure?