Rozanova Operation

The Rozanov operation, also known as the Rozanov operation, is one of the most significant advances in the field of surgery. It was developed by Soviet surgeon Vladimir Nikolaevich Rozanov at the beginning of the 20th century.

Rozanova surgery is a treatment for breast cancer that allows you to save the breast and preserve its function. Unlike other breast cancer treatments, such as mastectomy, Rozanov's surgery preserves breast shape and size, which can be important for women who want to maintain their appearance.

Rozanov's procedure involves removing the tumor and surrounding tissue, then creating a new layer of tissue from skin, muscle and fat. This allows you to create a new breast shape that will look natural and harmonious.

One of the advantages of the Rozanov procedure is that it can be performed under either local or general anesthesia, making it safer for patients. In addition, the operation can be performed through a small incision, which preserves the skin and reduces the risk of complications.

Despite the fact that the Rozanov operation was developed more than a century ago, it is still one of the most effective methods of treating breast cancer. It allows you to maintain the shape and size of your breasts, which can be especially important for women who care about their appearance.

Rosanova operation is a surgical procedure performed to treat breast cancer. It was developed by the Soviet surgeon Vasily Nikolaevich Rozanov in 1926.

In his work, Rozanov used radiation treatment, which made it possible to stop the growth of the tumor and reduce its size. He performed the operation as follows: the entire tumor was removed, as well as surrounding tissues that could contain metastases.

The results of Rozanov's study and operation were positive and showed a large number of cured patients. However, the operation was not widely used as it was very difficult and dangerous. Except