Roselle Khomutskikh after surgery

The project “I’m ashamed of my body” sums up the results of the first season. On the air of the final episode, STB viewers will see all the heroes who turned to the program specialists for help.

Oksana Merz shocked both doctors and spectators with her belly that sagged to her knees. A woman approached the project with a request to cut off a huge apron of fat. But the examination showed that the woman simply would not survive the operation...

How did the project help, and what changes did it bring to the life of the heroine’s daughter?

Igor Afanasyev came to specialists with an advanced form of psoriasis. The disease began to progress when grief happened in the family - a man hit his daughter. The baby was only 2 years old, she was playing near the car, and her father simply did not notice her, for which he still blames himself to this day. Constant stress and the absolute lack of proper therapy have led to the body becoming covered with a “shell” that constantly itches, cracks and even bleeds.

At the clinic, Igor received all possible types of treatment. The effect was amazing. What happened after the man went home and why are doctors ready to refuse him further help?

Tatyana Korop is one of the brightest patients of the clinic. A 30-year-old woman surprised doctors with a bunch of different diseases. The woman had strabismus, hemorrhoids, a tumor on her face and almost completely missing teeth.

During treatment, doctors found out that, in addition to everything, Tanya had advanced cervical erosion, extreme myopia and... syphilis. The last diagnosis, fortunately, turned out to be wrong - Tanya suffered from syphilis 12 years ago, so the test showed a positive result.

It took specialists 3 months to correct all the defects. Finally, viewers will see Tatyana healthy and beautiful.

One of the main events of the season was the story of Kristina Khanenko, who came to the project with the problem of improper urination - the stream of urine is directed upward and to the left. This feature appeared 3 years ago after a rather specific operation - surgical gender reassignment. What else did the gender change lead to, and whether doctors can fix it? We’ll find out this Thursday.

Also in this issue it will be known whether cancer was confirmed in Svetlana Tsygankova, a woman with a huge mammary gland, how Larisa Dyatlyuk’s face changed after the removal of a tumor on her head; viewers will learn the secret of the illness of Vladislav Paziuk, a man with a terrible crust on his feet, who admitted that he changes his socks only 2 times a week.

You can also learn more about oral health. Katya Bezvershenko and Valera Oslavsky will tell you how to use an accessible express method to find out how thoroughly we brush our teeth, what can result from neglect of our own mouth, and what to do to always smile confidently at others.


In today's issue 4 the most shocking medical project “I am shaking my body” -5 season, viewers will get to know new characters. Anorexia and bulimia, a huge belly, an ingrown toenail that requires surgical treatment, gynecological diseases - this is not a complete list of ailments that the project doctors will have to deal with in order to help their patients.

In the 4th episode of the 5th season of “I’m Losing My Body,” a project that gives hope and creates medical miracles, doctors took on several more difficult challenges. A girl who has not been able to eat normally for 5 years came to see Lyudmila Shupenyuk, as well as a patient in whom the gynecologists forgot the uterine device for 20 years. Ekaterina Bezvershenko learned the touching story of a woman with a belly of incredible size and told a young guy how to regain the joy of movement due to an ingrown nail. Read more about each person who visited the project clinic in the material.

I'm losing my body season 5. Issue 4. Broadcast from 02/22/2018. Watch online

Roselle Chomutskikh (huge belly)

It took an incredible amount of effort to get to the “I’m Losing My Body” clinic for Roselle. Due to problems with excess weight, the mother of 4 children has an impressively sized belly. More than 15 years ago, a woman noticed that it began to thicken and sag greatly. At that time, Roselle already weighed 120 kg. During the initial examination, Ekaterina Bezvershenko discovered pustular formations and noted unusual density and dryness of the skin in the lower abdomen. In addition, the patient’s legs suffer from varicose veins, and under the fold of the abdomen – diaper rash. A woman’s main help and support is her husband. Without it, she cannot wash herself properly, go to the toilet, or climb the steps home. Katya agreed to help the desperate Roselle, but warned: a lot of time had been lost. After all, the last time the woman was in the hospital was 7 years ago. She has dozens of tests, studies and specialist consultations ahead of her.

Vasya Popovich (phimosis, poor vision, crooked teeth)

Vasya began his treatment last year. The guy shocked Lyudmila Shupenyuk with the number of health problems - phimosis, poor vision, pathology of the development of the lower and upper jaws. Surgeons successfully operated on the patient's penis, and ophthalmologists selected contact lenses. In the fifth season, dentists got down to business. Several teeth in the patient's upper jaw are located above the dentition. This not only causes discomfort, but also became the reason that, due to embarrassment, Vasya completely stopped smiling. As it turns out, simply installing braces is not enough. The guy had 4 teeth removed to form the correct bite. The patient came to show Lyudmila what his smile looked like after a year and a half.

Yulia Lukyanenko (anorexia, bulimia)

The young girl has not been able to eat for 5 years. Her weight has long passed the normal limit - only 33 kg with a height of 164 cm. Julia claims that she is not trying to lose weight: the body itself has stopped accepting food due to the stress it has suffered. At first, the girl’s home phone constantly received threats, and later she poisoned herself with cherries. Now every time Yulia tries to eat something, she immediately feels sick and vomits. Lyudmila Shupenyuk sent the patient to three specialists - a gastroenterologist, a neurologist and a psychotherapist. What type of doctor will treat an emaciated girl?

Svyatoslav Kulyaviy (ingrown toenail)

At first glance, the guy’s problem is not so serious - an ingrown toenail. However, this was enough to make him forget about the simple joys of being a teenager. The first thing that surprised Ekaterina Bezvershenko was Svyatoslav’s negligent attitude towards his own health and hygiene. The guy wears socks directly over the wound, without protecting the affected area in any way. Pus and blood are constantly released, so wherever the guy goes, he is forced to take several spare pairs with him. Every evening, the patient’s mother makes warm baths with string and chamomile for his finger, but the effect is short-lived and insignificant. The presenter of the project showed Svyatoslav how to treat the wound and apply an antiseptic bandage, but the guy has surgery ahead of him.

Andrey Zyulin (jaw fractures)

The man turned to the project last season after two severe jaw fractures. During treatment, it turned out that he was addicted to alcohol and drugs. This became an obstacle to recovery, because titanium plates and bone tissue cannot take root when the body is regularly exposed to toxic substances. In the new season, Andrei promised to challenge the addictions that poison his life. In addition to giving up drugs, the patient started a diary at the rehabilitation center. Regular recording of my own thoughts allowed me, together with a psychologist, to find the root of the problem. After months of rehabilitation, doctors agreed to begin work on restoring the integrity of Andrei’s jaw and the contours of his facial skeleton.

Elena Bundikova (pain and uterine bleeding)

Elena was brought to see Lyudmila Shupenyuk by incredible pain in the entire lower half of her body and uterine bleeding. A year ago, during a routine visit to the gynecologist, a woman discovered a coil in her vagina. Everything would be fine, but they should have pulled it out back in 1996. When asked by the project leader why the patient had never had an ultrasound, Elena replied that all her free time was taken up by gardening and farming. For so many years, she didn’t even have a moment to ask what was happening to her health. The women's relatives said that Lena was used to enduring and hiding the pain until it became simply unbearable. Fortunately, after conducting an ultrasound examination, Lyudmila did not notice any life-threatening changes. However, the patient has a histological scraping ahead of him. It can detect cancer cells.


The woman had always struggled with excess weight, and 15 years ago she noticed that her stomach began to thicken and sag heavily. During the initial examination, pustular formations were discovered on her body, and the skin of the lower abdomen turned out to be very dry and dense. In addition, the patient’s legs suffer from varicose veins, and diaper rash is visible under the fold of the abdomen.


The woman had always struggled with excess weight, and 15 years ago she noticed that her stomach began to thicken and sag heavily. During the initial examination, pustular formations were discovered on her body, and the skin of the lower abdomen turned out to be very dry and dense. In addition, the patient’s legs suffer from varicose veins, and diaper rash is visible under the fold of the abdomen.