Anti-Irritation Napkin Around Stoma

KoloPlast sterile napkin for cleaning paper provides excellent protection


Every person was familiar with the appearance of problems on the skin from exposure to external irritants. Among such troubles, one of the first places is occupied by the feeling and mechanical irritation that can occur in the anal area. Such an unpleasant circumstance can occur not only in adults, but also in children. The reason for this is insufficient hygiene of the anus, incorrect selection of the size of the colostomy bag, irritation from diastasis or feces. One of the products that gives good results in the fight for cleanliness and health of the skin in such a delicate area is a napkin from Coloplast.

Coloplast is a leading global brand that markets all the necessary ostomy care products. One of the worthy examples of the company is “Napkin” anti-irritation wipes, presented in 3 types:
