Salicylic-Sulfur-Zinc Paste

Probably every person sometimes needs to undergo skin treatment, especially in cases where wounds and cuts of varying degrees of age are bothering them. In such cases, salicylic sulfur-zinc paste will help.

Salacylic acid in this case is an excellent antiseptic that will relieve inflammation and accelerate wound healing. Without the presence of various chemical additives, salicylic can treat wounds of even newborn children. Salicinc is a phenol derived from petroleum oil. It has anti-inflammatory properties, and when applied topically, it does not irritate healthy skin cells.

Sulfur ointment has a cauterizing, disinfecting, keratostatic and astringent effect. Zinc ointment is used to treat many skin diseases: from acne to shingles and scarring of the skin as a complication of various skin diseases. The ointment is effective for burns of II-III degree. Seborrhea and neurodermatitis are often treated with sulfur-zinc ointments. The mixture of active ingredients in the drug promotes accelerated tissue healing by reducing the inflammatory process. It is not recommended to use medications in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, or if you are allergic to one or more of the components. The drug can be used by patients of any age, including newborns and infants, as prescribed by the attending physician. The ointment should be applied to the affected area in a thin layer and, if necessary, secured with a bandage. When applied to large surfaces, it is advisable to treat with the products during the procedure 3-4 times a day. The product can be used to lubricate areas that need drying, such as psoriasis and microbial eczematous rashes. To help the product adhere better to the skin, you can apply a bandage after applying it. This use will help the oil, cream and ointment to remain on the sore spot longer, absorbing into the skin and delivering medicinal substances to the deep layers of the epidermis. To make it easier to apply the ointment to the affected area, the ointment can be warmed to room temperature. In any case, before using medications, you should consult a specialist. Be healthy.