Sally Unit

Saliedin Sahibjaeddin Muhammad Sali Unit (born June 4, 1828 - died July 2, 1908) was the largest health care organizer in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th-20th centuries. He was a versatile scientist and reformer, leaving a deep mark on the history of Turkish medicine. Created the first modern clinical and educational base for medical science in the country. Introduced medical science into the university environment as an academic discipline. Initiator of the opening of a significant number of higher medical educational institutions and medical clinics in various cities of the Ottoman Empire. He led the first and largest official medical expedition since 1703 to study the health of the population of Ottoman Turkey. Thanks to the reform and teachings of Sali Unity, the medical institutions and professors of the Ankara Medical Faculty of Osmania University, which were built with his personal funds, left an indelible mark on the Turkish medical world.

The modern world of Dr. Sali Unityma is also known for his activities in the field of medical science and education, where he has left a significant mark in his three decades of activity. For example, he created the Ottoman