
Sandorm is a drug from the group of beta-blockers. It was developed and produced in Hungary by the Egis pharmaceutical plant. The international name of this drug is Bopindolon. Sandorm can treat arterial hypertension, angina pectoris and arrhythmia. However, like any drug, Sandorm has its own contraindications and side effects that should be taken into account before use. Thus, it should not be taken by patients with hypersensitivity, congestive heart failure, cor pulmonale, severe bradycardia, II-III degree AV block, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers.

When using Sandorna, side effects may occur such as dizziness, headache, fatigue, bradycardia and AV block, as well as bronchospasms and allergic reactions. Also, do not forget about the interaction of Sandorma with other drugs. For example, it enhances the cardiodepressive effect of Verapamil. In addition, Sandorm should not be used simultaneously with antidiabetic drugs, as this may enhance their hypoglycemic effect. If an overdose of this drug occurs, then treatment should include symptomatic therapy, antiarrhythmic therapy, including trophic support of the heart and antihypoxants, and, if necessary, the use of hemodialysis or hemofiltration (in intensive care conditions). It should be noted that Sandord also has special instructions related to diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, pheochormocytoma and peripheral circulatory disorders, namely: paresthesia, coldness in the arms and legs, and in patients with diabetes mellitus, tachycardia caused by hypoglycemic conditions can be masked. In conclusion, we can say that San Donord is an effective drug for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, but requires caution when used to avoid side effects and overdose.