Sani Skin for removing papillomas and warts: reviews, price, instructions

Sani Skin for papillomas and warts

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of Sani Skin
  2. Benefits of the drug
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of use
  6. Real reviews about Sani Skin

Sani Skin is a treatment for tumors caused by human papillomavirus. It is used exclusively at home and, according to the manufacturer, has a mild effect that eliminates tissue scarring and the formation of scars after removal of papillomas.

Description and composition of Sani Skin

Sani Skin for papillomas

Pictured is Sani Skin for papillomas and warts

Sani Skin for papillomas is a concentrated product used to remove epidermal inclusions, the formation of which was caused by activation of HPV in the body. This drug is not used in medical institutions. It can only be used for home treatment of tumors.

Used on all skin types, both body and face. But, at the same time, it is not used on mucous membranes and even on the skin next to them. Thus, Sani Skin can be used for the treatment of not all neoplasms. For example, it is not used to remove genital warts in intimate areas.

Indications for use of Sani Skin are the following formations:

  1. simple warts;
  2. flat warts;
  3. filamentous papillomas;
  4. spines.

According to reviews of Sani Skin for papillomas, it is well tolerated. The only substance that has a strong destructive effect on the epidermis is salicylic acid, which is synthesized industrially. However, the presence of two natural oils in the product, which have a positive effect on the epidermis, helps not only to destroy infected cells infected with HPV, but also to significantly accelerate regeneration compared to other preparations containing this acid and no other healing substances.

Let's take a closer look at the properties of the components that make up the drug Sani Skin:

  1. Salicylic acid. It is the most popular remedy for combating tumors caused by human papillomavirus. It is actively used in the form of solutions, ointments, and patches. Used by both evidence-based and alternative medicine. In its pure form it is colorless crystals that dissolve well in alcohol. In large quantities it is toxic. When it enters the bloodstream, it is excreted from the body in the urine.
  2. Castor oil. This is a vegetable oil extracted by cold or warm pressing from castor bean seeds. It is a transparent or yellowish thick viscous liquid. The smell of the substance is weak. The oil contains linoleic, oleic and recinoleic acid. Their high content and the effect they have on the epidermis make this product unique in the treatment of many dermatological diseases. For pharmacology, refined castor oil is used. In addition, the oil is used in the chemical industry for the production of lubricants and fluids for hydraulic drives. In medicine it is used as a laxative. In the classification of food additives it has the number E1503.
  3. Tea tree essential oil. This substance is extracted using hydrodistillation, namely, the distillation of tea tree leaves under the influence of water vapor. It is a clear liquid, mostly colorless, sometimes with a yellowish tint. The smell is specific, there is a slight hint of camphor. Most often produced in Australia, where it is considered a national product. It is actively used in traditional and alternative medicine, for cosmetic and dental purposes.

Sani Skin is a clear yellowish liquid with a light, unobtrusive aroma. It is poured into brown glass vials and closed with a cap, under which there is an applicator for convenient application of the product. Packaged in 15 ml quantities, packed in cardboard boxes with instructions. Country of origin: Malaysia.

Although it is bottled in dark glass, the product must be stored in a box between applications, protected from direct sunlight, since when the sun hits the product, irreversible processes occur in it that reduce its effectiveness. Once the bottle is opened, the shelf life is 6 months.

The price of Sani Skin is from 2490 rubles in Russia (not sold in Ukraine).

The following drugs are considered analogues of Sani Skin - Papilok, Solcoderm, Ferezol, Dermovate, Podophyllin. These drugs do not repeat the composition of the product, but are similar in their effect on the epidermis.
You cannot buy Sani Skin in pharmacies; you can order this drug only from representatives in online pharmacies.

The benefits of Sani Skin for papillomas

Papillomas on the body as an indication for the use of Sani Skin

All components of the product are substances that are independently used to treat tumors caused by HPV. Therefore, it is not surprising that the manufacturer of Sani Skin, combining three strong components, claims a stronger effect on the epidermis in general and on neoplasms in particular.

Sani Skin has the following effects:

  1. Softens fabrics. The presence of oils in the composition of the drug helps to soften the keratinized cells of the neoplasm, which leads to deeper penetration of the drug to the base of the tumor.
  2. Cauterizes a wart. This is facilitated by salicylic acid, which is part of the drug. It has a strong destructive effect on organic compounds. As a result, the acid corrodes cells affected by human papillomavirus. It is also destructive to healthy tissues, so treatment must be done carefully, pointwise, having previously treated the areas around the application.
  3. Kills the virus. The components that make up the drug not only destroy cells affected by the human papilloma virus, they destroy the virus itself, thereby preventing the spread of HPV to other areas of the skin.
  4. Accelerates regeneration. Oils have a very beneficial effect on accelerating metabolism, which in turn leads to the activation of regeneration processes. This significantly speeds up tissue healing and prevents the formation of scars and cicatrices.
  5. Slows down aging. This additional effect can be achieved thanks to the presence of castor oil in the composition of the drug. The acids it contains stop skin aging by provoking increased production of collagen, which fights the signs of age on the epidermis.

It is worth remembering that, despite the mild effect claimed by the manufacturer and evidenced by reviews of Sani Skin, this product contains strong components that can not only heal the epidermis, but also cause harm to it. Therefore, before using the drug, it is extremely necessary to undergo examination by a dermatologist, surgeon, or oncologist in order to obtain permission to use the drug, making sure that your tumor cannot degenerate from benign to malignant.

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Instructions for use of Sani Skin for papillomas

How to use Sani Skin for papillomas

Using the remedy for papillomas Sani Skin involves carrying out preparatory stages: removing keratinized skin from the spines and treating the area around the tumor with a protective fatty cream.

Instructions for use of Sani Skin:

  1. Remove the drug from the package. Make sure the bottle is tightly sealed and has not been opened before use.
  2. Open the bottle using a special applicator, similar to a nail polish brush, and apply a small amount of product to the entire surface of the new growth.
  3. Allow the drug to absorb on its own without massaging, rubbing or blowing on the tumor. Only self-penetration of the product deep into the epidermis and its distribution to the entire depth of the neoplasm will be effective.

Treatments must be carried out three times a day. In this case, only a single application of the drug Sani Skin is allowed during the procedure. Even if you come to the conclusion that the neoplasm was not completely treated with the product, there is no need to additionally cover it with the solution after a while. Do this the next time you process.

Contraindications to the use of Sani Skin for papillomas


Despite the fact that Sani Skin, a remedy for papillomas, is a mild preparation that includes components of natural origin, it can have a destructive effect on the epidermis, so there are some restrictions on its use.

The use of Sani Skin is not recommended in the following patients:

  1. Having sensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  2. Allergy sufferers;
  3. Children under 3 years old;
  4. Pregnant and nursing mothers;
  5. People with kidney failure.

We also note that there are general recommendations regarding the use of any means aimed at removing epidermal tumors. These include growths of unknown etiology. It is strictly forbidden to treat dark papillomas that are bloody or have an uneven red edge. It is also impossible to treat injured neoplasms and those located on the scalp, on and near nevi, near epidermal breaks, scratches, or any dermatological diseases accompanied by pain, itching, and a feeling of numbness on the skin.

According to Sanya Skin's instructions, the drug is usually well tolerated, causing no side effects other than a slight burning sensation. If use causes severe side effects - swelling, itching, pain and other conditions that are difficult for patients to tolerate, it is recommended to rinse the area of ​​application with copious amounts of water and do not use Sani Skin further.

If the symptoms go away on their own within a short time, there is no need to seek additional help for an overdose or an allergic reaction. If discomfort persists for a long time, seek help from a doctor. The same should be done if an allergic reaction is caused by accidental contact with the eyes, mouth, or intimate area.

  1. See also contraindications and side effects of Duofilm for papillomas

Results of using Sani Skin

The result of treatment of papilloma Sani Skin

The photo shows the result of treatment for papilloma Sani Skin

According to statements from manufacturers and reviews from Sani Skin customers, of which there are quite a lot on the Internet, complete recovery of the skin occurs in up to 4 weeks.

On small, fresh tumors the effect is visible after the first applications. They may separate after 1-2 weeks of daily three-time use of the drug. It can take up to a month to fight old papillomas.

If you have not used Sani Skin regularly, after a month of use, take a short break and take the therapeutic course again. However, it is recommended not to skip processing this time.

  1. See also the results of using Papiderm for papillomas

Real reviews about Sani Skin for papillomas and warts

Reviews of Sani Skin for papillomas and warts

Sani Skin reviews are mostly positive. There are reports that the remedy did not help, but they come across in a ratio of 1 to 10. Therefore, there is every reason to consider this remedy highly effective.

Maria, 35 years old, Vladimir

My immune system is quite weak, so every spring I am almost guaranteed to fall ill with either a prolonged acute respiratory viral infection or the flu in general. After this, papillomas will definitely come out. I tried many different products, but I can’t say that I was very satisfied with any one, so I’m still looking for a drug that will remove this nasty thing quickly, but will not cause significant damage to the skin in the form of burns. When I visited relatives, they recommended a product based on oils and salicylic acid. I didn’t risk buying Sani Skin in Minsk, because I didn’t want to bother with processing while visiting. But when I arrived home, I purchased it and began treatment. Used to remove filiform papillomas from the neck and one small fresh spine on the toe of the left foot. The tumors on my neck were gone in a week and a half. But it took 3 weeks to remove the plantar wart. The feeling from use was not bad. During the first treatments there was a slightly noticeable burning sensation, but then it went away. Very comfortable brush. Thanks to her, it was possible to pick up a little product and precisely apply it to the papilloma. It did not spread and at the same time completely processed the neoplasms. The drug is, of course, expensive, but I think it is effective.

Dmitry, 42 years old, St. Petersburg

Several warts popped up on my fingers. I also noticed that condylomas on the mucous membrane are beginning to appear again. I fought with them very actively several years ago. Then it took a lot of money, and the treatment was also very painful. I read reviews about which drugs are the most popular now, and decided to use products based on tea tree, castor and salicylic oils. I managed to buy Sleigh Skin in St. Petersburg quite quickly. I understand that the manufacturer’s representative office is located in our city, since I ordered it at lunchtime and picked up the drug from the post office the very next day. After 2 weeks of use I noticed a clear effect, and after 4 weeks the warts disappeared completely. They were small and recent. There is a suspicion that for old large warts this drug will be weak. But I could be wrong, I think it might just require longer processing. I wanted to take a risk and try to use Sani Skin to remove condylomas, but I was afraid. Still, salicylic acid is in the composition, and the mucous membrane is a specific, susceptible place. Therefore, I recommend that others do not deviate from the instructions.

Anna, 27 years old, Moscow

After pregnancy and breastfeeding, many papillomas appeared all over my body. I looked at it and didn’t know what to grab onto. There is so much information on the Internet that your head is simply spinning. I contacted a dermatologist, he recommended removal at a beauty salon. But there were so many of them that the procedures were beyond my means. Then I went on forums for moms and started reading real reviews about the use of certain products. The Malaysian drug was highly praised. It was scary to purchase a little-known product, and even quite expensive. But I made up my mind. It was not possible to buy Sani Skin in a pharmacy in Moscow; it turned out that it is sold only through online representatives. I searched many sites, found the cheapest offer and ordered it. The product arrived within a few days. I was very nervous, but I saw the effect almost immediately. At first I applied cream around the tumors, then I even stopped doing it. The skin around did not become inflamed, and the papillomas themselves shrunk and fell off. I'm still on maternity leave, so I can apply it 3 times a day, as recommended by the instructions. Some days I even treated it 4-5 times, so I went into a frenzy. Of course, it will be difficult for people at work to do this, but the visible effect should inspire treatment. I highly recommend the drug, especially if you have not old or calloused tumors.

  1. Read also real reviews about the treatment of papillomas with Stefalin

How to use Sani Skin - watch the video:


Sani Skin is considered a highly effective remedy for removing tumors caused by HPV. Patients consider its advantages to be ease of use, but its disadvantages include high cost. The fact that you cannot buy Sani Skin in a pharmacy does not cause negative emotions among young and middle-aged patients, but is perceived with caution by the older generation.

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