Sanitation2 In Military Medicine

Sanitation in military medicine is one of the most important components of special treatment. It includes a set of measures to remove from the surface of the human body various biological, radioactive or toxic substances that can cause damage.

Sanitation is carried out to prevent the further spread of infections, to protect the staff of medical institutions and patients, as well as to preserve the health and life of people.

The main methods of sanitization are washing and disinfection. Washing is carried out using special detergents and water at a certain temperature. It allows you to remove particles of dirt, dust and other impurities from the surface of the body.

Disinfection, in turn, is aimed at destroying microorganisms and viruses located on the surface of the human body. For this purpose, special solutions and agents are used that have bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal effects.

In addition, other methods of sanitization are used in military medicine, such as disinfection, degassing and decontamination. Disinfection is aimed at destroying dangerous microorganisms and viruses in premises and transport. Degassing and decontamination are carried out to destroy radioactive and toxic substances.

In general, sanitization in military medicine is an important component of special treatment, which helps protect the lives and health of military personnel and civilians in combat and other emergency situations.