Sanitary-Chemical Intelligence

Sanitary-chemical reconnaissance is a type of medical reconnaissance that ensures the detection of toxic substances and poisons in food and water, as well as the identification of contamination with toxic substances in the areas where forces and means of the medical service are located.

The main tasks of sanitary-chemical reconnaissance are:

  1. Detection and identification of toxic substances, biological agents and radioactive substances in environmental objects.

  2. Determination of the degree of contamination of the area, water and food with toxic substances.

  3. Taking samples of contaminated objects for laboratory analysis and identification of the types of toxic substances.

  4. Identification of foci of bacteriological and chemical contamination.

  5. Control of disinfection of areas, structures, water, food, equipment and property.

Sanitary-chemical reconnaissance is carried out using special instruments that allow one to determine the presence and type of toxic substances. This type of reconnaissance plays an important role in ensuring chemical and biological protection of troops.

Sanitary-chemical reconnaissance is a type of medical reconnaissance for the detection of poisonous and poisonous substances in drinking water, food products, identifying the possibility of contamination of areas, vehicle parks, military camps, reservoirs and coastal zones with toxic substances, and on land for the sanitary treatment of personnel and contaminated equipment. movement.

To ensure sanitary and chemical reconnaissance, a centralized surveillance service has been created in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; equipment is provided by civilian accredited laboratories with the involvement of freelancers.

The service is not allowed to use once imported funds; they are used only one time. The use of a disposable product outside the designated area is strictly prohibited, and it is strictly forbidden to give information about the fact of a leak of a chlorine warehouse to outsiders. This can lead to serious consequences.