Health education

Health education is a section of preventive activities that is aimed at hygienic education of the population in order to attract them to active participation in maintaining their health.

In the USSR, health education was an integral part of state policy in the field of health care and education. It was carried out in schools, kindergartens, hospitals and clinics, as well as in cultural and leisure institutions.

The main goal of health education is to develop a healthy lifestyle among the population and a responsible attitude towards their health. It includes information about hygiene rules, disease prevention, healthy eating, physical activity and giving up bad habits.

One of the methods of health education is holding lectures and seminars for the population, as well as organizing exhibitions and competitions. Various forms of advertising such as posters, flyers, booklets, etc. are also used.

Health education is of great importance for preventing diseases and promoting public health. It helps people understand how to properly care for their health and what measures to take to preserve it.

Health education - section of preventive measures of organs and institutions of Soviet medicine

*Health education* is an important section of the preventive activities of Soviet institutions, bodies and organizations, aimed at competent training and full education of the population in order to convey to them complete information about ways to preserve and maintain the healthy state of their body. All programs, recommendations and techniques were provided to the population in a form that people were able to understand and accept useful knowledge.

This technique is often used in modern times. Nowadays, not only people undergo health education, but also government officials and politicians, who at the state level must convey to the public the rules and norms of a safe and healthy lifestyle for people. In other words, it is a way of involving society in this process on a broader level. This makes it possible to cope with the implementation of the necessary hygiene measures and preserve your life and the lives of your loved ones.

The history of health education begins in the 20s of the last century, during the formation of the USSR. One of the founders of this technology at the highest level was Lenin, the first chairman of the USSR