Sanitary and Quarantine Department, Point (SKO, SKP)

Sanitary and quarantine department, point (SKO, SKP) is a unit of the sanitary and epidemiological service that carries out medical and sanitary control at international airports, highways, sea (river) ports and other places of arrival of people, vehicles and cargo due to milestone.

The main task of the SCO, SKP is to prevent the spread of quarantine infections on the territory of the USSR, as well as to monitor compliance with the necessary sanitary and epidemiological standards. This includes checking documents, screening arriving people and cargo for signs of disease, conducting laboratory tests and analyzing public health data.

Sco, SKP works in close cooperation with other sanitary-epidemiological control and health authorities. They regularly exchange information about possible risks to public health and carry out joint activities to prevent and combat infectious diseases.

In addition, Sko, SKP participates in the development and implementation of programs to ensure a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention. They conduct training seminars and lectures for the population, organize medical offices in public places and enterprises, and also provide consultations on hygiene and sanitation issues.

Thus, SKO, SKP is an important link in the country’s sanitary and epidemiological security system. Their work is aimed at preserving public health and ensuring sustainable economic development.

The Sanitary Quarantine Department (SCAN) is a structural element of the sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) organizations of Rospotrebnadzor, designed to detect infectious diseases caused by microorganisms and parasites. Consumers of SanPAN services are travelers and those