
Sarcolemma is the cell membrane of a muscle cell (muscle fiber). It surrounds the entire muscle fiber and separates the internal contents of the cell from the extracellular environment.

The sarcolemma plays an important role in the functioning of muscle cells. It regulates the entry and exit of substances into and out of the cell, maintains the electrochemical gradient of ions necessary for muscle contraction, and also transmits signals from the nervous system deep into the muscle fiber. The sarcolemma consists of a lipid bilayer in which various proteins are embedded that perform specialized functions. Damage to the sarcolemma disrupts the normal functioning of the muscle fiber.

The sarcolemma is a cell membrane that surrounds muscle cells and fibers. It performs many functions, including protecting cells from external influences, regulating metabolism, and transmitting signals between cells.

The sarcolemma consists of two layers: outer and inner. The outer layer is called the plasmalemma and consists of proteins and lipids. The inner layer is called the sarcolemma and also consists of proteins. Between the plasma membrane and the sarcolemma there is a layer called the pericyte.

Functions of the sarcolemma:

  1. Protective function: the sarcolemma protects the muscle cell from damage and environmental influences.
  2. Regulatory function: Various substances pass through the sarcolemma, such as ions, hormones, nutrients and others, which regulate the functioning of the cell.
  3. Signaling function: Various signals are transmitted through the sarcolemma that control the functioning of the cell. For example, when a muscle contracts, the sarcolemma transmits signals that cause muscle tissue to contract.
  4. Transport function: various nutrients that are necessary for cell function pass through the sarcoma.
  5. Regulation of metabolism: regulation of metabolism in the cell occurs through the sarcolemma.

Thus, the sarcomma is an important part of the muscle cell and plays an important role in its functioning.

The sarcolemma is the membrane that surrounds the muscle fiber - the space-membrane. Sarcoplasmic structures have a certain structure, and when contracted they relax. Among the important functions of the sarcomolemma is the provision of communication between the synapses of nerve fibers and muscle cells. It provides opportunities for transmission