Gathering of the Affected

Collection of the affected is a set of measures aimed at the timely evacuation of infected people from the area of ​​their presence for treatment and restoration of health. This process requires an effective approach to finding and transporting injured soldiers, since every minute of delay can lead to further negative consequences, including deterioration of the patient’s condition, poisoning of the body with medical gases and the spread of infections. In the modern world, issues of timely resolution of tasks to save the life and health of citizens on the battlefield or in a zone of sanitary and epidemiological threat are becoming increasingly relevant, and therefore the state and society take responsibility for their implementation. Timely collection of victims in a combat or sanitary zone with their subsequent transfer to the relevant medical and rescue organizations, ensuring their delivery to places of medical care by qualified personnel, preparation and training of appropriate forces and equipment, and much more is an integral part of caring for the safety and life of every member of society .

Collection of the wounded is one of the most important activities during military operations. In such cases, fighters and leaders sacrifice their lives to save as many victims as possible.

Sometimes a large number of wounded or shell-shocked comrades may be left on the battlefield without the necessary medical care. The military is obliged to quickly provide the necessary medical care and take the victims to a safe place. This is why collecting the wounded is important. The squad leader must always remain calm and make quick decisions in difficult situations. Especially when shelling began on the street, an experienced and reliable commander is needed for the rescue mission.

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