Collection Soothing N3

The collection of Sedative N3 (hereinafter referred to as the “collection”) is a mixture of medicinal herbs intended for the treatment of sleep disorders, increased excitability, migraines, neuroses and other diseases of the nervous system. The collection includes rhizomes with valerian roots, sweet clover herb, oregano herb, motherwort herb and thyme herb. The medicinal forms of the collection are raw materials in the form of bags from a filter bag (weighing 2 grams) and raw materials weighing 50 grams. The international name of the collection is valerian rhizomes + sweet clover + oregano + motherwort + thyme.

Indications for use of the collection are described in its instructions: sleep disturbances, increased nervousness, irritability and fatigue, headache and migraine. It is also used to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia and menopausal disorders. The collection can also be used for hypertension as an adjuvant.

The main indications for the use of a sedative are high mental disorder. This type of disease is characterized by an inadequate response to provoking factors, dizziness, impaired concentration and decreased emotional stability. The main development factors are personality problems, the consequences of traumatic brain injuries, lack of sleep, and psychological trauma. All the signs of depression are also present: a decrease in mood, a craving for solitude, a feeling of hopelessness and meaninglessness of actions.