
Scabies is a highly contagious skin disease caused by the microscopic mite Sarcoptes scabiei.


  1. Severe itching, especially at night. The most common areas that itch are the interdigital folds, wrists, elbows, buttocks and genitals.

  2. Small nodules and blisters on the skin, in areas of tick bites.

  3. Secondary bacterial infection due to scratching.


Scabies mites are easily transmitted through close bodily contact, including sexual intercourse. Infection can also occur by sharing bedding.


  1. Application of special preparations (permethrin, lindane, benzyl benzoate) to the entire surface of the body to kill ticks. Treatment must be carried out for all family members.

  2. Antihistamines and antibacterials to relieve itching and prevent secondary infection.

  3. Change of bed linen, washing of clothes and household items.

Thus, scabies is an extremely contagious and unpleasant, but curable disease. Timely treatment and hygiene will help quickly get rid of this infection.

Scabies, also known as sarcoptic scabies, is an infectious skin disease caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. This disease is characterized by severe itching, especially worse at night, and the appearance of red papules on the skin. Patients often develop a secondary infection. Female scabies mites penetrate the skin and lay eggs, and the mites that emerge from them are easily transmitted from person to person through direct contact.

Severe itching is the result of an allergic reaction to scabies mites, their eggs and excrement present under the skin. Areas of the body such as the penis, nipples and the skin between the fingers are often affected.

Treatment for scabies involves applying scabicide to all affected areas of the body, starting from the neck and moving down. The most commonly used drugs are permethrin, lindane, and malathion. Benzyl benzoate may also sometimes be used, but it may cause skin irritation. It is important to treat all family members at the same time to prevent re-infection.

Clothing and bedding may not require special disinfection, since scabies is not usually transmitted through them. However, it is recommended that you wash or dry on a high temperature all items that may be infested with mites to reduce the risk of re-infection.

In addition to drug treatment, it is important to take some precautions to prevent the spread of scabies. This includes avoiding direct contact with infected people, especially during physical contact or sexual activity. It is also recommended that you trim and keep your nails clean regularly to reduce the possibility of infection and spread of infection.

In conclusion, scabies is an infectious disease caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. It is characterized by severe itching and the appearance of red papules on the skin. Treatment includes applying special medications to the affected areas of the body and taking preventive measures to prevent re-infection. If you suspect scabies, it is recommended to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and prescription of appropriate treatment.

Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by scabies mites - Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis. In Russia, the vast majority of cases are male. In the adult population, the source of infection is men aged 20 to 4