Scalpel Ophthalmic

An ophthalmic scalpel is a surgical instrument that is used to perform ophthalmic operations on the eyes. It has a small size and a small sharpening angle, which allows operations to be performed with high precision and minimal risk of damage to eye tissue.

An ophthalmic scalpel consists of a handle and a blade, which is shaped like a blade. The blade is made of special steel, which is highly durable and resistant to corrosion. The sharpening angle of the blade is 20 degrees, which makes it easy to cut eye tissue and avoid damage.

To perform ophthalmic operations, an ophthalmic scalpel is used together with other instruments such as tweezers, scissors and clamps. It allows operations on the cornea, retina, vitreous body and other eye tissues.

It is important to note that the eye scalpel should only be used by qualified ophthalmologists who have experience working with this instrument and know all its features. Improper use of an eye scalpel can lead to serious complications such as damage to eye tissue or infection.

In general, an ophthalmic scalpel is an important tool for performing ophthalmic operations, which allows them to be carried out with maximum accuracy and safety for the patient.

One of the most important instruments in ophthalmology is the ophthalmic scalpel. This is a small tool with a sharp blade and a small sharpening angle - only 20 degrees. It is intended for ophthalmological operations and is necessary for removing tissue for various eye diseases. Most surgical interventions in the eyeball area are performed with an eye scalpel. The scalpel is also used to cut the cornea of ​​the eye, remove foreign bodies from the eye and in preparation for various operations. Often, scissors are attached to the eye scalpel to separate a flap of tissue.

A scalpel consists of a handle and a blade itself. Eye scalpel handle