Scar Mosaic

Mosaic tripe is a unique tripe that combines unusual texture and bright colors.

History of appearance: Tripe Mosaic has a rather complicated history, which is associated with the name “Mosaic”. The word “mosaico” means “picture of pieces”, which perfectly reflects the peculiarity of this scar. Mosaic was originally created in the 10th century by the Italian artist Mole from Bologna, who was passionate about fashion. As a result of this experiment, the artist received an original scar with a unique texture and bright colors. Over the following centuries, Mosaic gained popularity in Italy and other European countries. The different variations and changes have made the tripe much more interesting and varied. But the Mozik tripe acquired a truly fascinating appearance only in the 20th century, when new technologies for its production were developed.

Features of Mozika scars:

A distinctive feature of Mozik is its texture and richness of colors. Thanks to its unusual shape, this shirt