
A scotometer is an instrument used to determine visual field defects.

The scotometer allows you to detect the presence of scotomas - areas of reduced or absent sensitivity in the field of view. Scotomas can occur due to pathologies of the optic nerve, retina, or visual pathways of the brain.

A study using a scotometer (scotometry) is carried out by presenting the subject with light stimuli of varying brightness at different points in the visual field. The minimum brightness at which the subject sees the stimulus at a given point is recorded. This data is recorded on a special diagram - a visual field map. Areas of decreased sensitivity indicate the presence of scotomas.

Scotometry refers to methods for studying the visual field along with perimetry and campimetry. However, unlike the perimeter, the scotometer allows you to evaluate not only the boundaries, but also the sensitivity of different parts of the visual field.

A scotometer is an instrument used to determine visual field defects.

The scotometer is used in ophthalmology to identify scotomas - areas of reduced or completely absent light sensitivity in the field of view. With its help, the doctor can detect various pathologies, such as glaucoma, retinal degeneration, brain tumors, etc.

A study using a scotometer is called campimetry or perimetry. The patient is presented with light stimuli of varying brightness at different angles and must press a button when these stimuli are detected. This is how the boundaries of the visual field and blind spots (scotomas) in it are determined.

Modern scotometers are often equipped with a computer to automate the research process and analyze its results.

Scotometer is a device that is used to detect visual defects such as scotomas (blind spots) and nystagmus (involuntary eye movements). The principle of operation of a scotometer is based on measuring the time it takes a person to see a certain object on the screen. If a person is unable to see an object, this may indicate the presence of a scotoma or other vision defects.

Scotometer consists of a screen on which an object is displayed and a device that measures the time required for a person to see the object. The person must look at the screen, and the device will measure the time during which he can see the object. If the time exceeds a certain threshold, it indicates the presence of a vision defect.

To determine whether a vision defect is a scotoma, you need to know what a scotoma is. A scotoma is an area of ​​the visual field that contains no visual information. It can be caused by various reasons, such as damage to the optic nerve or disruption of the visual centers in the brain.

Overall, the scotometer is an important tool for diagnosing visual defects and determining their cause. It allows you to quickly and accurately determine the presence of scotomas and other visual defects, which can help in choosing the right therapy and treatment.

A scotometer is a device for determining visual fatigue, and is also used to determine relative blindness using test objects with gradually changing threshold resolution values. The number of test objects is usually five or six. Scotometer