Sebaceous Gland of the Eyelid

Sebaceous gland of the eyelid: Important facts about them and their role in the body

The sebaceous glands, also known as Meibomian glands or Zeiss glands, are small glands located in the eyelids of the eye. They are named after the German anatomist Heinrich Friedrich Franz Meibom and the Swedish surgeon Carl Gustav Zeiss, who made significant contributions to the understanding of their functions.

The sebaceous glands of the eyelid are part of the tear system of the eye and play an important role in maintaining eye health. They are located in the eyelids, directly at the base of the eyelash hairs. The main function of these glands is to produce and secrete a sebaceous secretion known as meibomian fluid. This fluid is made up of lipids, proteins, and other components that help hold the tear film to the surface of the eye and prevent it from quickly evaporating.

One of the key functions of meibomian fluid is to ensure proper hydration and lubrication of the cornea of ​​the eye. This is especially important for preventing dry eyes and the development of problems such as dry eye syndrome. Meibomian fluid also plays a role in protecting against harmful environmental influences such as dust, dirt and bacteria.

However, despite the importance of the sebaceous glands, they can be subject to various disorders and problems. Some of the common problems associated with the sebaceous glands include blocked ducts, inflammation and infections. These conditions can lead to discomfort, redness of the eyes, increased sensitivity to light, and even blurred vision.

Treatment for problems associated with the sebaceous glands may include the use of warm compresses, eyelid massage, and the use of special medications. In some cases, surgery may be required, especially if the ducts are blocked.

In conclusion, the sebaceous glands of the eyelids play an important role in eye health and maintaining proper hydration levels. Understanding their functions and the problems associated with them helps in the diagnosis and treatment of various eye conditions. If you are experiencing any eye problems, including dryness, inflammation or discomfort, it is recommended that you consult an eye doctor for professional advice and treatment.

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Sebaceous gland