Spleen Porphyric

Spleen Portifica - description of the disease and prevention

**Portifica spleen** is one of the main endocrine glands in the human body. It performs many functions, from maintaining the immune system to producing bile and processing food. However, in some cases, a person may experience various health problems related to the portico spleen. Here is a description of this disease and tips for prevention.

What is the spleen by ports?

The spleen is an organ that is located under the diaphragm in the abdominal cavity. The size of the spleen can vary and may differ from person to person. On average, the size of the spleen is about 10 centimeters wide and 8 centimeters long. The organ has 3 membranes - the outer fibrous layer, the middle pulpous layer and the inner vascular layer. The vascular layer contains many blood vessels that serve to connect the spleen to other organs in the body. In addition to blood vessels, the spleen contains lymphoid structures - red (lymphocytes) and white (plasma cells). These structures