Spermatic cord

The spermatic cord is a muscular-elastic tube that runs from the bottom of the testicle through the inguinal canal to the bottom wall of the bladder. The name "spermatic cord" comes from the Latin word testiculus - "testicle". But in English the name “funiculus” was assigned to it, which means “thread”. The rope consists of three layers. On the outside, the spermatic cord is covered with a strong connective tissue sheath - fascia, followed by a middle layer consisting of smooth muscle fibers and elastic fibers. The last layer is represented by loose connective tissue with bundles of muscle cells. The total length of the spermatic cord is about 30 cm. The diameter is 2-4 mm at the beginning and 0.5 mm at the exit from the abdominal cavity. Each testicle is separated from the other by the walls of the scrotum.

The main functions of the seed rope are:

1.Testicular support. Thanks to this internal process, the testicles can move freely in the scrotum without causing discomfort to each other;

2.Evacuation and delivery of sperm to the male urethra. During the passage of the spermatic cords through them, enzymes are produced that kill leukocytes and bacteria if they get inside the cord opening;

3.Functions of the genital organs. Without these three points, sperm formation is impossible, and the process of sexual activity is impossible.