Sensitivity Painful

Pain sensitivity: definition of the term, types and meaning for humans.

Pain sensitivity can be defined as the body's ability to respond to stimuli that cause pain. We can also say that pain sensitivity is the range of strength of sensations that a person experiences when his body is exposed to various factors.

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Pain sensitivity is an important concept in medicine and psychology. This is the body's ability to perceive and respond to pain, as well as the ability to regulate its intensity and location. It plays an important role in protecting the body from injury and damage, however, with excessive sensitivity it can cause stress and psycho-emotional disorders. In this article we will look at the concept of pain sensitivity, its types, features and significance in our lives.

Description: Pain sensitivity

Pain sensitivity is the body’s ability to respond to painful stimulation, that is, to perceive and evaluate the impact leading to the occurrence of pain. Painful effects are understood as aggressive actions or chemical effects on the human body that are not physiological (normal).

Pain is an alarm signal that some negative process has occurred in the body, such as injury, infection, illness or disease. Therefore, pain sensitivity is a protective mechanism that helps the body maintain its vital functions and protect it from negative influences. However, too much pain sensitivity can lead to negative consequences, such as mental or emotional disorders.

It is important to understand that pain sensitivity depends on many factors, including age, gender, genetic characteristics, emotional state, etc. Various factors can affect the formation of the pain threshold and the intensity of pain sensations. Individual characteristics, hereditary factors and other significant characteristics can influence susceptibility to pain and influence its overall structure.

There are several types of pain sensitivity: sensory - excites neurons, receptors, nerves, causing auditory, tactile,