Cardiac Dullness Relative

The heart is an organ within the cardiovascular system that provides blood circulation. It is thanks to the work of the heart that the supply of blood and oxygen to all tissues and organs of the body is ensured; the heart is actively involved in the processes of metabolism, blood circulation and respiration.

The heart is a pump that pushes blood through the circulatory system, where the heart acts as an engine and pumps the blood. The heart is a powerful muscular organ; the main features of the heart as a pump are:

* contraction of the atria forces the ventricles to contract; * release of blood into the lungs for oxygen enrichment; * pumping blood under high pressure into the aorta.

Relative cardiac dullness - (o.s., relativa, English "relative cardiac incompetence") - a definition used in medicine to describe a situation where, with a sufficient level of cardiac output, insufficient blood pressure occurs in the pulmonary artery. The study was initially conducted to determine the problem in heart patients in the early stage of heart failure. At the same time, the load on the heart provides a sufficient amount of cardiac output, and accordingly a pattern with insufficient air pressure in the alveoli of the lungs appears.

Why is cardiac dullness relative? Heart obtuse relativity does not imply that your heart is weak or under-functioning. When your heart is functioning properly, you can feel good. However, it can also function incorrectly, causing this form of cardiac blunt relativity to occur even though you have no complaints. If you are faced with this problem, do not forget about the danger of cardiovascular diseases.

How is relative cardiac dullness treated? The only way to combat this condition is to correct the disease that caused the formation of the pathology. It is important to prevent the development of inflammatory processes and stagnation, otherwise the disease will progress, and it will be difficult to restore health without surgical intervention. It is recommended to adhere to a diet for chronic heart failure: small meals, small meals, limiting salt in the diet, proteins and fats (mainly vegetable, not animal). It is recommended to discuss with your doctor a change in the amount of physical activity so that it is beneficial, but does not put a strain on the heart. Before surgical treatment, chemotherapy is carried out (heart treatment against staphylococcus