Serous Iris Cyst

A serous iris cyst is a benign formation on the iris of the eye filled with clear or translucent fluid.


  1. Congenital abnormalities of the iris
  2. Inflammatory eye diseases (iridocyclitis)
  3. Eyeball injuries


  1. Painless formation on the iris
  2. Visual impairment and the appearance of “floating spots” in the field of view
  3. Changes in the shape and color of the pupil


  1. Fundus examination using a slit lamp
  2. Ultrasound of the eye
  3. OFTC (optical coherence tomography)


  1. Cyst puncture and fluid removal
  2. Laser destruction of cysts
  3. Surgical excision of the cyst

The prognosis with timely treatment is favorable. An iris cyst does not cause blindness, but requires observation by an ophthalmologist to prevent complications.