Sertoli cells (Sertoli Cells)

Sertoli cells are one of the main elements of the epithelial tissue of the seminiferous tubules in the testicles in men. They perform the important function of supporting and nourishing developing germ cells, especially sperm.

Sertoli cells are larger than spermatogenic cells and are faintly stained. They support sexual function in men and play a key role in sperm production.

Sertoli cell tumors are quite rare and can lead to feminization in men, as the tumor cells can begin to produce female hormones. This condition is called Morris syndrome, where men develop feminine characteristics such as breast growth, facial hair and voice changes.

It is important to note that Sertoli cells are not the only cells in the seminiferous tubules that are involved in sperm production, and other cells also play a role in this process.