Spherical Pouch

Spherical pouch

The spherical sac, also known as the Sacculus, is part of the inner ear. It is a sac-like formation that is located in the pyramids of the temporal bones and is responsible for the perception of sounds.

Anatomy of the pouch

The sac consists of several layers of tissue, including bone, cartilage and connective tissue. Inside it is a liquid that serves to transmit sound waves to nerve cells.

Functions of the spherical sac

The main function of the spherical sac is to convert sound waves into nerve impulses that are transmitted to the brain. In addition, the pouch is involved in maintaining body balance and coordination of movements.

Diseases of the spherical sac

Some medical conditions can affect the functioning of the saccule, such as Meniere's disease, hearing problems, or head injuries.

Treatment for spherical sac disease may include medication, surgery, or physical therapy.


The spherical sac is an important part of the inner ear and plays a key role in the perception of sounds. Diseases associated with this organ can lead to hearing loss and other health problems. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health and seek medical help if necessary.

Spherical pouch

The spherical pouch is a new type of pouch that has become popular in the modern world. It is a round bag made of fabric or other material with a hole at the top and a cord for tying. This bag can be used to store various items - from small items to food.

History of creation Initially, bags were used to store things in Ancient Egypt. Later, pouches became popular with the Greeks and Romans, who used them to store valuable items such as coins and jewelry. In the Middle Ages, pouches became very popular among merchants, who carried them on their belts. The modern appearance of the spherical bag appeared at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to the American company Hermes, which began producing these bags.