Chancre Soft Follicular

Soft follicular chancre - description Soft follicular chancre is one of the most mysterious and incomprehensible infectious pathologies, which is difficult to detect in the early stages. It is mainly discovered due to women's health: its damage can cause the death of the fetus or the birth of a child with a severe mental disorder.

Shanker is usually located on the genitals of women, but sometimes affects men as well

Soft chankers are small single nodules that resemble papules with a diameter of 2 mm to 2 centimeters. The pathological condition spreads to the mucous membranes of the genital organs, as well as the skin from the perineum to the groin. The disease manifests itself in the form of round or oval reddish dots without symptoms of inflammation. However, over time, these rashes turn into formations that resemble small blisters.

Dermal nodules with chancroid are the most common symptom that appears in the first hours after infection. Single point elements with a dense surface appear on the affected area. At first, the papules are colorless, but after a few days they become red or yellowish-brown. The compacted nodes take on a skin tone. Patients often complain that their tumors hurt or cause other discomfort. In addition, with chancre, extensive lesions appear on the external genitalia

The pinpoint formations of a chanker coalesce into clumps that are a reddish-yellow color because they are infected. The size of the nodules reaches 5–7 cm in diameter. Important! If you have genital rashes, do not self-diagnose and consult a doctor.