Shawkaran - spotted hemlock

Dioscorides says: “The stem of this plant is the same as the stem of fennel, and its leaves are like the leaves of the kissa tree. It has white flowers and the seeds are the same as anise.”

Rufus says: “Its leaves are like the leaves of the mandrake, but smaller and yellower; its stem is thin, without fruit, and the seeds are similar in color to azhgon seeds, but they are larger, have no taste or smell, and secrete mucus.”

Masih said, “Hemlock is a type of aconite,” and he said something bad. I will say that this plant is sometimes called in Greek kuniyun, which is translated as shavkaran, and sometimes this name is translated as bish, and the phenomena caused by bish are referred to as kuniyun. People disagree on this matter.

Cold, dry to the third degree and even to the fourth.

Actions and properties.
Hemlock stops bleeding, causes blood to thicken and causes numbness.

If you apply it to the area where the hair has been plucked, its cooling effect prevents the hair from growing back. Hemlock is used to make medicinal dressings for women's breasts to prevent them from enlarging. Hemlock prevents the excessive secretion of milk.

Its squeezed juice has a calming effect on erysipelas and herpes.

Tools with joints.
This is a good ointment for hot gout.

Organs of the head.
Squeezed hemlock juice is good for the accumulation of fluid that appears in the ear.

Organs of the eye.
Its squeezed juice is used for pain in the eye.

Eruption organs.
It blocks menstruation and is useful for pain in the uterus. It is also applied as a medicinal bandage to the testicle to prevent it from enlarging, and rubbed into the testicular area to prevent wet dreams.

Hemlock is a deadly poison, and the cure for it is pure wine.