She again: let's talk about thrush

Vaginal discharge does not exist in our bodies to stain our underwear. They help clean and moisturize our vagina, serve as a barrier to many infections, and let us know about the appearance of various diseases. In a healthy woman, the discharge is clear, odorless or with a slightly salty odor, and becomes abundant and thick before ovulation. If the discharge becomes more cheesy in appearance, has a strong or unpleasant odor, and the genital area becomes red or itchy, you most likely have a vaginal infection. The first place among such infections is occupied by vaginal candidiasis, commonly known as thrush.


Our body connects a huge number of microorganisms with each other. Among them, Candida albicans is a yeast-like fungus that is part of the normal microflora of the mouth, vagina and colon of most healthy people. Thrush is caused not by the fact of its presence, but by the rapid proliferation of the fungus. The environment inside the vagina is acidic enough to control the amount of these yeast-like bacteria. But when the chemical composition of the medium changes and the acidity level decreases, the yeast begins to grow. Most women recognize the appearance of thrush by very characteristic symptoms. However, some women may have very mild symptoms or no symptoms at all and will only find out about the infection when they see a doctor. Therefore, it is important to visit your gynecologist regularly.


The growth of the fungus can be facilitated by several factors, which can be divided into internal and external. Internal factors include uncontrolled sugar levels, taking antibiotics or steroid medications, pregnancy, and weakened immunity. External ones include frequent wearing of thick synthetic underwear, which, unlike underwear made from natural fabrics, does not absorb moisture and blocks air circulation, the use of scented pads and gels, and douching. Remember that the vagina does not need to be “washed”, this happens through natural processes. There is no need to buy any special products, it is important to wash the outside daily with plain water and then wipe the area with a clean, dry towel.

What to do?

If you notice signs of thrush, the first thing you should do is visit your doctor to confirm the diagnosis, because many vaginal infections have similar symptoms. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs that will help get rid of thrush in a few days. The original composition of clotrimazole and more than 40 years of clinical research have made the drug Canesten (Bayer) the most effective and safe in the treatment of thrush. Taking into account the interests of modern women, the manufacturer Kanesten produces vaginal tablets in two dosages - Canesten® 500 mg No. 1 and Canesten® 100 mg No. 6. The first option is for you if it is important to suppress thrush in one day. In this case, the vaginal tablet is administered 1 time before bedtime, providing an antifungal effect for the next four days. The second dosage option - one tablet for six days - is used by women who are accustomed to consistently treating an infection, as well as those who experience a relapse.


To avoid the recurrence of thrush, in the future we advise you to wear underwear only from natural fabrics, avoid frequent wearing of very tight clothes, include natural yogurt in your diet (to replenish lactobacilli), and permanently abandon “scented” hygiene products (soap, pads, tampons). ). Ideally, of course, avoid stressful conditions and strive to get enough sleep, but this is at your discretion :)