Silk Surgical

Surgical silk is a thread made from natural silk raw materials with the addition of a small amount of high-grade cotton fibers. It is used in medicine as a suture material for operations and ligatures.

Surgical silk has a number of advantages over other materials, such as nylon, catgut or polyamide. Firstly, it is biodegradable and does not cause allergic reactions. Secondly, it has high strength and tensile strength, making it ideal for use in applications where high suture strength is required. In addition, surgical silk is easily sterilized and does not lose its properties after prolonged use.

However, it also has disadvantages. It can be more expensive than other materials and requires special processing equipment. Additionally, it may cause skin irritation with prolonged use, especially for people with sensitive skin.

Overall, surgical silk is a popular material for use in surgery due to its benefits. However, before use, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and select the material that will be most suitable for a particular operation.

Silk Surgical: Ideal material for surgical procedures

Surgical silk is a thread made from natural raw silk with a small addition of premium cotton fibers. This special type of silk is widely used in surgery as a suture or ligature material. Thanks to its unique properties, surgical silk has become an integral tool for many medical procedures.

The advantages of surgical silk are its reliability and durability. It is strong enough to maintain the integrity of the suture or ligature, but at the same time flexible enough to provide patient comfort. Due to its softness and smoothness, surgical silk minimizes the risk of damage to surrounding tissues and promotes better wound healing.

Another important advantage of surgical silk is its biological compatibility with human tissue. This material does not cause allergic reactions or irritations, making it safe for use even in patients with sensitive skin or hyperreactivity. Due to its natural biocompatibility, surgical silk promotes rapid wound healing and reduces the risk of complications after surgery.

Surgical silk also has the ability to effectively control bleeding. It provides reliable vasoconstriction, allowing surgeons to effectively stop blood flow and prevent unnecessary blood loss during surgery. This is especially important when performing complex surgical procedures where precision and control are paramount.

In addition, surgical silk has a high degree of sterility, which makes it ideal for use in operating conditions. It is easy to sterilize and retains its properties for a long time. This ensures safety for the patient and minimizes the risk of infection.

In conclusion, surgical silk is a thread made from natural raw silk with the addition of premium cotton fibers, which is widely used in surgery. Its reliability, strength, biocompatibility, ability to control bleeding and high degree of sterility make it an ideal material for sutures and ligatures in a variety of medical procedures. Surgical silk is an indispensable tool for surgeons, ensuring safety, efficiency and optimal results during operations.