Shiny Layer of the Epidermis

The stratum lucidum or shiny horny substance (stratum corneum, stratum lucidum) is the outer layer of the skin, which consists of dead cells covered with lipids and keratin. This layer protects the skin from external influences and provides protection from bacteria and other microbes.

The lustrous layer is important for healthy skin. It provides the skin with smoothness, firmness and elasticity. In addition, the lustrous layer protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, which can cause skin damage and the development of skin cancer.

Normally, the shiny layer should be smooth and transparent. However, if the skin is stressed or dehydrated, the shine of the layer may decrease. This can lead to dry, flaky skin, as well as wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

To keep your skin healthy and shiny, you need to take proper care of your skin. It is important to use moisturizers that contain hyaluronic acid and other moisturizing ingredients. It is also necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and use sunscreen.

In addition, it is important to monitor your diet and daily routine so that your skin receives enough nutrients and rests. Regular skin care routines will help keep your skin healthy and shiny.

The stratum lucidum is the top layer of the skin. It is so called because of its characteristic appearance: the surface of the skin shines like glass. The shiny epidermis is considered the second protective layer. It is formed under the stratum corneum and is located outside the basal layer. It is called shiny because it is evenly distributed over the entire surface.