Musée tongs

How it all began Muze forceps were medical clamps intended for insertion into the patient’s rectum. By deflecting the upper part, they were brought together and thus held the intestines as tightly as possible. It was customary to classify this type of medical instrument as widely used and useful in cases of severe narrowing of the intestine. Forceps were used during childbirth to narrow the entrance to the uterus. Even today, this procedure can occur among women giving birth. But there is a safer and less painful alternative called the hip squeeze.

Medical forceps Muse clamps how they are used Today, instead of muse clamps, another type is used - the Muse clamp. It is a medical device with which the nurse pinches the patient’s buttocks. Thus, due to the fixation of muscle fibers in the anal ring, she is given a massage in case of muscle pathology. Performing massage and contractile muscle massage are the best ways to prevent or treat constipation in the early postoperative period or after childbirth. It would be useful to know that the use of a medical clamp for the muse occurs exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. This will avoid injury to important internal organs of the mother and fetus. At the same time, an experienced doctor can perform such a massage so effectively that it will become almost invisible to a woman.