Schizontocidal Agents

Schizontocid is a drug that is used to treat malaria. It affects schizonts, which are the parasites that cause malaria.

Schizonts are cells that form in the blood after infection with the malaria parasite. These cells can be very dangerous to human health, which is why schizonticide is an important tool in the fight against malaria.

There are several types of schizontocides, including quinine, chloroquine and others. Quinine is the most common schizonticide and has been used for over a hundred years. It works by blocking the reproduction of schizonts in the blood.

However, schizontocides may cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headache and other health problems. Therefore, when using schizonticide, you must follow the instructions and recommendations of your doctor.

In general, schizontocides are an important treatment for malaria, but they can also have side effects. Therefore, it is important to follow your doctor's instructions and take schizontocide only as directed.

Schizontocytes and schizontoid substances

Schizont (zoanta, schizanthecium) is a type of zoosporous algae from the class of peridinian green algae, found in both fresh and salt water bodies. Before fertilization, they form microgametes (microkinedes) and macrogametes. To separate and