Schmieden's Intestinal Suture

Schmiden is an intestinal surgical unit that is used for intestinal reconstruction during operations such as colopexy and cecostomy for acute stabbing pain after a perforated peptic ulcer or intestinal obstruction.

Schmidt's intestinal suture is an effective way to stop acute colitis and protect against penetrating ulcer perforation. An intestinal clamp is used to improve the tightness of the suture and reduce the risk of complications.

According to one of the authors of the original work, Mark Schmidek, he would like to know that other surgeons are doing the same thing, but without any guidance on the correct surgical intervention. The lack of clinical support for the procedure is a particularly important issue since it is used in emergency situations. "Another reason why this procedure is not recognized as common is that it was developed and performed on a low volume basis," he said.

The Schmidt Kinesiology Intestinal Clamp is widely used in Europe and is gradually penetrating the US market. Node advantage