Shock Infectious-Toxic

Infectious-Toxic Shock: When toxins become more dangerous than the infection itself

Infectious-Toxic Shock (ITS) is a state of acute circulatory failure caused by exposure of the body to a large dose of toxins from infectious disease agents and/or decay products of damaged body tissues. In SHIT, toxins released by microorganisms cause an acute reaction of the immune system, which leads to hemodynamic disturbances, dysfunction of internal organs and, ultimately, can lead to the death of the patient.

SHIT can be caused by various infectious diseases, such as sepsis, meningococcal infection, toxic shock syndrome, etc. However, not all infectious diseases can lead to SHIT, but only those in which pathogens are capable of releasing large amounts of toxins and causing an acute reaction of the immune system .

Symptoms of SHIT include a sharp decrease in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, respiratory dysfunction, acute renal failure, liver dysfunction, etc. These symptoms can lead to acute decompensation of the body and require immediate medical attention.

Diagnosis of CIT is based on clinical symptoms and research data, such as blood tests for the presence of infection and toxins, bacteriological studies, etc. Treatment of CIT includes intensive therapy aimed at maintaining vital body functions, fighting infection and toxins, and treatment complications.

Overall, SHIT is a very dangerous condition that can lead to serious complications and even death of the patient. However, timely diagnosis and intensive treatment can save the patient's life and prevent the development of complications. Therefore, if you suspect SHIT, you should immediately seek medical help.

Shock is a serious condition of the body caused by dysfunction of the circulatory and respiratory systems. The severity of shock is determined by the intensity of pathological changes occurring in the body. Severe forms of shock can be fatal. Infectious-toxic shock - toxic shock in infectious diseases due to