Shock Anaphylactoid

Anaphylactoid shock (AS) is a severe pathological condition that can be fatal. CA occurs as a result of a sudden reaction of the body to certain allergens, such as medications, foods, chemicals and other allergens. CA is distinguished by the rapidity and originality of its clinical manifestations, which makes it easily recognizable.

CA can also occur with acute purulent process of the abdominal cavity, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, pneumonia, myocardial infarction, acute pyelonephritis, peritonitis, as well as with various types of traumatic shock. Depending on which body system is affected by the allergen, symptoms may manifest in varying degrees of severity and speed of development of manifestations. An allergic reaction to drugs is called “drug allergy”. The main role in the development of drug allergies belongs to the immune system, which does not have time to determine that it is an allergen. In most cases, the body begins to consider its own protein as a toxic drug. When a drug that is responsible for the incompatibility of the immune system enters the blood, this reaction is triggered, since this substance blocks the functioning of proteins. Anaphylactic shock may develop during the injection of the drug or several