Shower Circular

Circular Shower: Relaxation and Treatment in One

Circular shower is one of the most effective and beneficial ways to care for the body. This type of shower was invented at the beginning of the 20th century and has since gained wide popularity due to its unique properties.

The Circular Shower works based on the principle of hydromassage, in which thin horizontal jets of water under pressure are directed at the patient’s body from all sides. This allows you to massage the muscles, improve blood circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system.

One of the main benefits of Circular Shower is its ability to increase endorphin levels in the body, which helps improve mood and fight depression. In addition, it is a great way to relax and relieve tension after a busy day.

The Circular Shower also has healing properties. It can help fight diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as arthritis and osteochondrosis, as well as reduce pain in muscles and joints. Thanks to its ability to improve blood circulation, the Circular Shower can also help combat cellulite and other skin problems.

It is important to note that the Circular Shower is not recommended for people with heart disease, hypertension, pregnant women and people suffering from acute forms of musculoskeletal system diseases. Before using the Circular Shower, you should consult your doctor.

In conclusion, the Circular Shower is a unique and effective way of body care that combines relaxation and treatment. It helps improve blood circulation, reduce muscle and joint pain, and increase endorphin levels in the body. If you haven't tried this type of shower yet, be sure to do so!

A circular shower is a type of hydrotherapy that is used to restore human health with the help of water.

Circular shower D is a technology in which thin horizontal jets under pressure are directed at the patient from all four sides simultaneously. As a result, the jets hitting different parts of the body contribute to the maximum effect of water on all problem areas