Sterna Symptom


Stern's symptom is a symptom of pathological changes in the autonomic nervous system. It is observed when it is affected by tumors, traumatic brain injuries, or during a diffuse inflammatory process (arachnoiditis, encephalitis, meningitis).

When the medulla oblongata is damaged, the following is observed: When objects, lamps, etc., approach the patient’s face, the reaction of the pupils to light turns off. A corneal reflex appears - contraction and relaxation of the eye muscles when touching the cornea. The reaction of the pupil to convergence and accommodation disappears. Tests

Stern syndrome

Stern syndrome is a rare but diagnostically important symptom that may indicate the development of certain diseases. It is characterized by pain and swelling in the back and shoulder, as well as limited movement of the arm. In this article we will look at the main symptoms and causes of Stern syndrome, methods of its diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of Stern syndrome * Pain