Side-To-Side Anastomosis

Side-to-Side Anastomosis is a surgical method of connecting two organs or vessels, in which the edges of the holes are sutured on the lateral surfaces. This type of anastomosis is widely used in surgery to restore patency in various diseases and injuries.

In a side-to-side anastomosis, the edges of the holes to be joined are overlapped and then stitched together. In this case, one edge of the hole overlaps the other edge, which creates a continuous surface between the organs. This method allows for a more reliable seal and reduces the risk of blood clots or other complications.

The use of side-to-side anastomosis is one of the most common methods of connecting organs in organ transplant surgeries such as heart, liver or kidney. This type of anastomosis is also used in the reconstruction of blood vessels and the creation of shunts in the treatment of vascular diseases.

One of the advantages of side-to-side anastomosis is its simplicity and speed of execution. It allows you to quickly restore patency and return to normal life after surgery. However, like any other surgical approach, this method may have some risks, such as blood clots, bleeding, or damage to surrounding tissue. Therefore, before performing an anastomosis, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and discuss all possible risks and benefits with specialists.

Chapter 1. Introduction

Currently, one of the most common methods of connecting vessels during heart surgery is side-to-side anastomosis. This type of anastomosis is created without the use of woven sutures. This reduces the risk of complications such as thrombosis and air embolism. Reducing the risk of complications improves the prognosis after surgery and increases the likelihood of patient recovery.

Chapter 2. Description of the situation

Let's imagine that someone has a heart problem. This problem cannot be solved unless the blood vessels are connected. In such a case, surgical fusion surgery may be necessary. Attaching blood vessels to the heart during heart surgery is a medical procedure that involves forming a junction between the two ends of a blood vessel. If this connection has not been made well enough, the presence of infection or damage to the vessel wall can lead to complications that can damage the heart or cause an acute fatal reaction. Still, this is the best connection method that can be performed before any type of anastomosis.

Vascular surgeons know that there are two main types of blood vessel anastomoses: side-to-side and end-to-end.