Siderosis Red

Siderosis is a disease accompanied by damage to blood vessels. In some cases, the disease leads to their destruction and complete loss. The pathology is dangerous due to its complications. This could be the appearance of blood clots or even cardiac arrest. When bleeding from small vessels, this can even lead to death. Siderosis is usually understood as a red-brown rash, which is most often localized on the legs. One of the varieties of siderosis, namely black siderosis, is a severe pathology in which not only small vessels, but also larger arteries are affected. Frequent manifestations of black siderosis are bruises that do not go away after a few days. Black siderosis is considered dangerous to health, so treatment of the disease must be carried out in a timely manner. There is no need to be afraid of a red rash with vascular lesions, called Gundu rubella. It occurs exclusively on the extremities and does not progress throughout life, although recovery may be delayed. In an advanced stage, red green manurease has the following manifestations: complete destruction of blood vessels with hemorrhage; the appearance of purple spots that acquire a blue tint with the appearance of blood spots underneath them; the growth of lesions on which blood clots appear after bleeding has stopped. For those who still do not know what siderosis means, it is important to remember that the main symptom of the disease is the purple color of the skin with bluish spots. In advanced cases, the affected areas begin to merge, and extensive infiltration is formed. The color of the skin on affected areas can vary from blue to dark red. Bleeding makes it possible to determine the exact location of lesions and diagnose a latent form of pathology. This is typical for the limbs of the arms, legs, and less often the face. Often, blisters with ichor inside form on the skin, which disappears on its own after a couple of weeks. Depending on how long it takes the body to manifest bodily symptoms,