
Sigmoidoscopy is a method of endoscopic examination of the sigmoid colon. This method is used to diagnose various bowel diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, diverticular disease, polyps and others.

Sigmoidoscopy is performed using a special instrument - a sigmoidoscope. This is a thin and flexible endoscope that is inserted into the colon through the anus. The sigmoidoscope has a camera and backlight, which allows the doctor to see the condition of the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon and its contents.

With sigmoidoscopy, the doctor can detect various changes in the mucous membrane, such as ulcers, erosions, tumors, polyps, and also assess the condition of the intestinal lumen and the presence of inflammatory changes.

The advantages of sigmoidoscopy include high diagnostic accuracy, the ability to perform biopsies and polyp removal, and a minimally invasive procedure. However, like any other procedure, sigmoidoscopy may have some risks, such as bowel perforation or bleeding.

Sigmoidoscope: An Old Innovative Device

Sigmoidoscopy is a diagnostic and screening method for colonic examination, which is widely used in the practice of medicine. It is based on observations during colonoscopies in clinical practice and consists in visualizing the colon wall and vascular structure. For adults, the sigmoidoscopy is available at the age of 35 years and older. If the patient was younger than 36 years, further examinations are carried out depending on the peculiarities of the current clinical situation.

The sigmoid is an important appendage of the large intestine, characterized by a relatively narrow end and an expanded middle part with a small caliber and a maximum diameter. At adult age, its length is estimated to be 20 to 49 cm, or 8 to 18 inches. In adulthood, the bowel widens to a diameter of 4.5 to 6 cm (1.765 to 2.362 inches), that is, a big intestine on the left hand side from the umbilicus approximately 25–40 cm. (15.5-19.6). The sigmoid possesses characteristic individual anatomy variations. According to the state of development at different ages: children under two years – 14–16.2 ​​cm; teenagers up to 19 years – on average, 23 cm; in adolescence and young adults up to 34 years – up to 29 cm., and it can be smaller than the remainder of bowel. The maximum