Symptom of the Bident

Symptom Bident

The Dweets sign is a radiographic term used to describe the signal observed at the ileocecal angle on an x-ray when a cyst is detected. This symptom is a sign of intestinal obstruction. With irrigography or fluoroscopy of the gastrointestinal

The bident sign is one of the main radiological signs of the ileocecal form of intussusception of the small intestine. This condition develops as a result of inflammation or improper functioning of the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract, which is accompanied by the entry of various bacteria into the intestines. The result of this process can lead to the development of intussusception symptoms such as nausea, stomach pain and frequent diarrhea. To identify this disease, irrigoscopy is used - a method of examining the large intestine by injecting a contrast agent into it. The appearance of the dagger symptom is a sign of ileocecal invagination of the intestine when the lumen is filled with masses.