Doll Eyes Symptom

A huge number of patients complain about a symptom in which a person’s eyes stop moving or move forward or backward and remain in one position during a conversation, but not every specialist knows the answer to the question of how to treat the Doll Eyes symptom.

There is no guarantee that the problem will go away with tablet or injectable forms of drugs, so the problem must be solved in a comprehensive manner:

at the very beginning, conservative treatment is used (in addition to drug therapy, physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy are prescribed); If other methods do not help, surgical intervention is performed. If the pathology is treated at the beginning of its formation, a number of undesirable consequences can be prevented.

What happens if the symptom is not treated? The process of transition of the disease to the chronic stage is very slow. It usually takes several months before the first noticeable signs appear. However, often the question of how to treat a symptom in an 8-year-old child becomes relevant at a time when other methods of eliminating the problem no longer work. It is important for parents to remember that for any disease, including eye pathologies, it is important

The doll's eye symptom or doll's eye syndrome or parapharyngeal space syndrome is a rare pathology characterized by paralysis of the muscles of the eyeball and face, as well as dysfunction of the respiratory system as a result of progressive paralysis of the phrenic nerve. Often pathology is provoked by more than one reason. Sometimes the symptom occurs as a consequence of severe infections, congenital and acquired myasthenia gravis, or tumor processes.