Symptom of Recurrence

The symptom of repetition is the patient’s perception of all new influences on him as repetitions of the influences that have just taken place. The patient feels that he is being asked about the same thing over and over again, his temperature is being measured repeatedly, etc. This symptom is a sign of acute acryquin intoxication.

With the symptom of recurrence, the patient perceives any new external stimuli and influences as having already occurred before and being repeated. For example, if a doctor asks a patient a new question, it seems to the patient that this question has already been asked many times in a row. Or if a nurse takes a blood test, it seems to the patient that such a test has been taken more than once.

This disorder in the perception of reality is associated with disruption of brain function during acute poisoning with the drug Akrikhin. The recurrence symptom is one of the first and characteristic signs of developing quinine intoxication, so it is important to recognize it promptly and stop taking this medication to prevent more serious consequences.

The symptom of repetition is a neurological diagnosis that characterizes the patient’s perception of all new influences as repetitions of already existing influences. This symptom manifests itself in the fact that patients perceive new influences as if they were repetitions of previous influences, which leads to a feeling of discomfort and dissatisfaction.

This symptom is a sign of acute acryquine intoxication, which occurs with excessive intake of acryquine drugs such as LADAH. Symptoms of intoxication may include feelings of discomfort and disorientation in space, as well as distorted perceptions of time and reality.

Symptoms of intoxication include