Bandage Squeeze Symptom

Feeling of a bandage squeezing your arm

During World War II, a Golgi bandage was used as first aid. It was applied to a gunshot wound to stop bleeding, prevent pathogens from entering the wounds and reduce pain shock. Another important aspect is this

What is the "Compressive Bandage Symptom"?

When trying to apply a bandage to a wound, bandage a limb, a feeling of compression or pressure appears, while the bandage lies without tension and can be easily lifted (if the skin of the limb is thin).

Symptoms of compression of a limb by a bandage occur with anaerobic infections and atheromatosis (death) of tissue.

An early sign (pre-infectious) in a person with anaerobic infections is precisely the feeling of compression of the limb by a bandage. Also, these infections are characterized by the absence of pain at the onset of the disease. The absence of pain indicates that the vessels are clogged so tightly and so tightly that blood circulates through them very poorly. And if this is not treated in time, then the real gang begins